Full Catalogue

Please find enclosed the full catalogue.





E-mail: micksmetalmodels@aapt.net.au



Magister 15mm Biblical                      1

Magister Baggage Packs                   4

Magister Classical Packs                   4

Magister Classical Army Packs          6

Magister Dark Age Packs                   6

Magister Ancients Eastern Ranges    6

Magister Later Medieval Packs          7

Magister Napoleonics                         7

Magister Napoleonic Army Packs      9

Magister 15mm Fantasy                     9

Magister /AIM 10mm Ranges             10

Navigator Miniatures 15mm               16

Battleground Scenery                         16

Peter Pig Miniatures                           17

Peter Pig Rules (RFCM)                    34


All have 8 foot, 4 mounted, single elephant or chariot or 2 artillery pieces (unless marked).


15mm Historical packs $7.00

ASS22, ABR1 $7.00

ASS21 $8.25


2 Horse 2 Crew $7.00

2 Horse 3 Crew $7.00

4 Horse 2 Crew (includes LAC 7) $8.00

4 Horse 3 Crew $8.00

4 Horse 4 Crew (includes ASS1, HDC4) $9.00

4 Horse 6 Crew $10.00

EAS14 $9.00


IND3 $10.00

IND1, IND2, SEL9, 10, 11, 14 $10.00

CAR4, CAR5 $10.00

BUR3 $10.00

HOG16 $10.00


Assyrian: 1365 BC-745 BC

Early and Middle

EAS 1 Asharittu spearmen, round shield

EAS 2 Asharittu spearmen, square shield

EAS 3 Cavalry spear/shield for Pethalle team (use

ASS5 for bow)

EAS 4 Asharittu bow

EAS 5 Square Chariot: horses x4, driver, Spearman

and bowman

EAS 9 Dismounted chariot bowman

EAS 10 Dismounted chariot spearman

EAS 11 Levy bow MP

EAS 12 Hupshu spear

EAS 13 Hupshu bow

EAS 14 Crocodile headed battering ram $14.00

EAS 17 Round Chariot, horses x4, driver, bowman and


EAS 18 Camel disguised as elephant

EAS 19 Kallapani vehicle: mules x4, driver, infantry x2

EAS 20 Asharittu/ Huradu with sword and spiked shield

for reg Bd

To add variety to Command Chariots: use ACH6

Mounted scouts: use ASS20


Neo & Sargonid Assyrian

ASS 1 Generals Chariot: horses x4, driver, general, shieldbearers/ javelinmen x2, archer, parasol canopy

ASS 3 Sargonid cavalry bowman and spearman

ASS 4 Cavalry spearman, no shield

ASS 5 Bowman armed cavalry, eg. scouts

ASS 6 Cavalry spearman and bowman

ASS 7 Cavalry spearman and bowman with horse trappings, Elite/ ordinary

ASS 8 Guard/ line spearmen, large round shield

ASS 9 Guard/ line spearmen, small convex shield

ASS 10 Guard/ line spearmen, tower shield

ASS 11 Battle array/ line spearmen, tower shield

ASS 12 Battle array/ line spearman, round shield

ASS 13 Battle array bowmen

ASS 14 Levy with sling

ASS 15 Footguard bowman

ASS 16 Auxiliary/ Levy spearman

ASS 17 Auxiliary/ Levy bowmen

ASS 18 Auxiliary/ Levy slinger

ASS 19 Bowmen, mixed poses

ASS 20 Kimmerian cavalry bow scouts

ASS 21 Arab camelry, bow riders x2 per camel

ASS 23 Large siege tower ($40)

Aramaeans: use HNH3, 12 and 15



BAB 1 Qurbuti guard infantry, spear and shield

BAB 3 Chaldean bowman with epsillion shield

BAB 4 Lydian hoplites

BAB 5 Chaldean levy infantry, tower shield

BAB 6 Chaldean levy infantry, epsillion shield


Chariots: use ASS, EAS, MIT

Cavalry: use ASS, EAS

Skythians: use ASS20, HOG14

Medes and Early Persians: use mix of BAB, LTD, ASS


Canaanite, Syrian, Ugaritic

Chariots: use MIT, ENK and BAB

Spearmen: use HNH3, 6, 8, 12, 15, EAS1, 2, 12 and MIT5

Bowmen: use HNH14, EAS4, 13 and MIT6


Egyptian, New Kingdom

Chariots: All are 2 horse 2 crew

ENK1 C Egyptian Chariot, horses with cloth

ENK1 CP Egyptian Chariot, Crew options lamellar/

dendritic horses in cloth with plume

ENK1N Chariot with unarmoured horses, crew options for


ENK 1P Pharoahs chariot. Horses cloth and plume.

ENK 1T Egyptian Chariot, horses in scale, crew lamellar/dendritic

ENK 2 Regular spear

ENK 3 Infantry command: drummers x3, standards x3, trumpets x3

ENK 4 Regular bow

ENK 5 Regular auxiliary javelin

ENK 6 Heavy axemen DBM blade

ENK 12 Shardana guard

ENK 13 Bowmen, with slung shield, reg Psiloi

ENK 14 Light cavalry scout

ENK 18 Elite bowman

ENK 19 Bowman, scale armour

ENK 20 Marine, with spear and shield

ENK 21 Marine bowman

ENK 23 Standards, mixed x16

ENK 24 Sickle swordsman, reg BD fast

ENK 26 Statue of Anubis ($13.20)


Egyptian: Old and Middle Kingdom

OMK 1 Command group: Pharaoh, generals, standard, escort

OMK 2 Infantry command group: generals, standards, spears

OMK 3 Regular archers MP, Middle Kingdom period

OMK 4 Regular archers MP, Old Kingdom period 2550-2528

OMK 5 Spearmen, round top shields

OMK 6 Spearmen, triangular top shields

OMK 7 Javelinmen and quiver carriers

OMK 8 Menfat axemen

OMK 9 Old and Middle Kingdom Egyptian Unarmoured Axemen



ELA 2 Spearmen with bow

ELA 4 Bowmen mixed poses Elamite bowmen

ASS 19 Bowmen, mixed poses MP

BAB 9 Chariot: horses – mules x4, driver and bowmen x3

BAB 7 Light cavalry, spear and bow


Early Hebrew

Simeonites and Ephraimites: use HNH3, 5, 6, 7, 15, ASS1,

12,13, 17, MIT5, EAS1, 2, 12, 13, 20, BAB1, 5, 6

Benjamite bow: use EAS4, 13, HNH14, MIT6, HOG19,

ASS13, 17

Slingers: use SUA10, HOG8, ALM 6, 8

Gadites: use ALM6, EAS12, MIT5

Isaacharians: use SUA5, HNH12

Other tribes: use mixtures of the above.


Late Hebrew

Chariots: use EAS5, 8, 15, 17, MIT also useful, and

possibly ASS1 and 2

Gibborim: use BAB1, 5, 6, ASS8 and 10

Spearman: use HNH3, 5-7, 15, EAS1, 2, 12, ASS9, 11, 12, 16, MIT5

Bowmen: use HNH14, SUA9, EAS4, 12, ASS13, 17

Slingers: use HOG8, SUA10

Cavalry: use EAS3, ASS4

Also appropriate Seapeople and Philistine.



HNH 1 Hittite Chariot: horses x2, driver, bowman, spearman x 2

HNH 3 Syrian spearmen with shield, Vassal irr Ax MP

HNH 4 Syrian Chariot: horses x2, driver, spearmen and bowman (armoured/ unarmoured)

HNH 5 Hittite guard spearman (reg Ax/ irr Ax)

HNH 6 Anatolian spearman, reg Ax

HNH 7 Hittite regular spear, reg Ax (shieldless for DBM lists)

HNH 11 Axemen DBM blade

HNH 12 Syrian spear/javelin, no shield MP, irr Ax or Psiloi

HNH 14 Syrian bowman

HNH 15 Sickle swordsmen for old Hittite (17)

Hittite scouts LH (f): use ASS20 or ASS4


Extra Chariot Horses

ACH 2 No armour

ACH 3 Cloth coated as ENK1

ACH 4 Cloth and plume as ENK1 types

ACH 5 EAS type

ACH 6 EAS armoured

ACH 7 ASS type

ACH 8 Hittite Armoured Horses



KUE 1 Bowman, firing

KUE 2 Javelinman, with shield

KUE 3 Slinger

KUE 4 Cavalry, javelin and shield

KUE 5 Cavalry, some body armour, javelin and shield

KUE 7 Egyptian cavalry LH (O)

KUE 8 Early Chariots Command or Line

KUE 11 Later charioteers

KUE 12 General’s command, mounted


Egyptian cavalry LH (F): use ENK14

Chariots: use early armies ENK and MIT; late, EAS square bodies KUE8 to 11: use the same crews with different vehicles



LIB 1 Foot command MP

LIB 2 Bodyguard mixed weapons MP

LIB 3 Javelinmen mixed weapons MP

LIB 4 Bowmen MP

LIB 5 Libyan Chariot: Command or Line



LYD 1 General’s command, mounted

LYD 3 War dogs

BAB 12 Lydian heavy cavalry

BAB 13 Lydian heavy cavalry with horse trappers

BAB 14 Paphlagonian cavalry

BAB 4 Lydian hoplite

BAB 19 Lydian Chariot


Midianite/ Bedouin

Camels: use ASS21 and ASS22

Irregular javelinmen: use SUA5, HNH9 and HNH12

Slingers: use SUA10



Chariots: All are 2 horse 2 crew

MIT 1 Maryannu Chariot: bowman in dendritic armour

MIT 2 Vassal Chariot

MIT 5 Spearmen MP

MIT 6 Bowmen MP


Mycenaean & Minoan Greek and Trojan

MYG 1 Spearmen with tower shield PkX/I

MYG 2 Spearman with fig of 8 shield PkX/I

MYG 3 Javelinmen, irr Ps I (Also see Libyan range)

MYG 4 Archers

MYG 5 Naked spearmen, tower shield PKX/ I

MYG 6 Naked spearmen, figure of 8 shield PKX/ I

MYG 7 Spearmen Pylian, irr aux I

MYG 8 Naked slingers

MYG 9 Swordsman with figure of 8 shield

MYG 10 Swordsman with tower shield

MYG 11 Javelinmen pelta shield, 3AX, Wb

MYG 12 Cavalry with javelin

MYG 13 Mycenaean Chariot

MYG 17 Dendritic spearman

MYG 18 Mycenaean swordsmen MPV (for Myrmidons and Lukka)

MYG19 Dendritic swordsmen MP

MYG 20 Mycenaean Levy Spear, tower shield

MYG 21 Mycenaean Levy Spear, figure-of-8 shield


Lukka warriors: use Seapeoples

Other Chariots useful for Trojans: WAT1, WAT2 both 2 horse 2 crew SEA types

Trojan Infantry- other useful figures HNH12 and HNH3



NUB 1 Command

NUB 2 Bowmen MP

NUB 3 Warband javelins, shield and throwsticks MP

NUB 4 Javelinmen Psiloi I MP



General: use MIT1

Ally General: use EAS15 or MIT3

Chariots: use EAS5, 15, MIT2, 3

Mounted scouts: use ASS20

Elite spearman: use ASS8 or BAB1

Spearmen: use EAS1, 2, HNH3

Javelinmen: use HNH12, MIT5, EAS12

Bowmen: use HNH14, ASS13, 17, EAS2, 4, 13


Saitic Egyptian

SAT 6 Levy spearmen



SEA 1 Chariot: horses x2, crew in helmet x3

SEA 2 Foot command V MP

SEA 3 Reed head-dress, spears MP

SEA 4 Reed head-dress, swords MP

SEA 5 Swept back hair, spear, no shield MP

SEA 6 Swept back hair, spears MP

SEA 7 Bowmen, reed head-dress MP

SEA 8 Sherden swordsmen MP

SEA 10 Sherden spearmen MP

Sumerian and Akkadian

SUA 1 Spearman in cape

SUA 2 Infantry command: officers x3, standards x3, axemen x3

SUA 3 Spearman in cape, with shield

SUA 4 Regular bow

SUA 5 Irregular javelinman MP

SUA 6 Battle cart Chariot, Command or Line

SUA 8 Bodyguard, axe, armed retinue

SUA 9 Martu Guti bow MP

SUA 10 Irregular singer

SUA 11 Martu Guti javelinman MP

SUA 12 Akkadian type spearman

SUA 13 Akkadian type spearman with shield

SUA 14 Straddle cart


Early Achaemenid Persian 550-420 BC

EAC 1 Immortal, spear, bow, shield

EAC 2 General’s mounted command

EAC 3 Sub-general’s mounted command

BAB 10 Sparabara foot Bw X

BAB 11 Sparabara foot, bow

BAB 16 Persian or Median cavalry

BAB 17 Guard cavalry

LAC 3 Sparabara bow/ Bactrian bow

HOG 14 Skythian cavalry

EAC 4 Cyrus’ mobile tower with bow, drawn by oxen


For Levy: use BAB2, 5, 6

Libyans: see LIB

Indians: see IND

Thessalians, Thesbians and Greeks: see HOG

Thracians: see THR


Late Achaemenid Persian 420-330 BC

LAC 1 Persian or Median cavalry

LAC 2 Guard/ Satrap cavalry

LAC 3 Persian bow

LAC 4 Kardakes

LAC 5 Guard spear, bow, shield

LAC 6 Persian slinger with shield

LAC 7 Scythed Chariot: horses x4

LAC 8 Persian foot command

LAC 9 Persian Light Chariot, Command or Line

BAB 15 Hillmen

BAB 14 Paphlagonian cavalry


Alexandrian Macedonian

ALM 1 Companion cavalry, lance

ALM 2 Prodromoi, lance

ALM 3 Hypaspists, spear

ALM 4 Phalangite/Hypaspist pike

ALM 6 Agrianian javelinmen

ALM 7 Mercenary peltast

ALM 8 Agrianian/Illyrian slinger with shield

ALM 9 Phalangite pike

ALM 10 Alexandrian Macedonian Hypaspists

ALM 11 Macedonian or Epiroit Companion, separate arm.


Baggage, Pack Animals and Camps

CSS 1 Pack camels x2 MP V

CSS 2 Pack mules x4 MP V

CSS 3 Baggage cart and mule

CSS 4 Oxen x4 and boy

CSS 5 Assyrian siege tower, large ($39.60)

CSS 6 Egyptian female water carriers x6

CSS 7 Flocks: sheep and goats

CPR 13 Herd of pigs and herder

BAR 26 Camp followers

BAR 27 Cart, oxen x2 and boy

BAR 31 Druids, cauldron and screaming women

EAC 4 Cyrus’ mobile tower with boy, drawn by oxen



Barbarians Celts, Gauls, British, Germans

BAR 1 British foot command MP V

BAR 2 Gallic/German foot command MP V

BAR 3 Naked fanatics, swords and spears MP V

BAR 5 Javelinmen, shieldless

BAR 6 Axemen

BAR 7 Warband with swords MP V

BAR 9 Warband with spears MP V

BAR 10 Gallic cavalry command V

BAR 12 German cavalry

BAR 13 Gallic cavalry V

BAR 14 British cavalry V

BAR 15 Single arch Chariot: ponies x2, Boudicca and driver

BAR 16 Single arch Chariot: ponies x2, noble and driver

BAR 17 Double arch Chariot: ponies x2, noble and driver

BAR 20 German warriors

BAR 22 Bowmen

BAR 23 Slingers

BAR 24 Nobles on foot, swords and spears MP V

BAR 25 Galatian Scythed Chariot

BAR 26 Camp followers

BAR 27 Ox cart with driver x2

BAR 31 Druids, screaming women etc. MP V


Camillan and Polybian Roman

CPR 1 Roman cavalry

CPR 2 Velite in animal skin

CPR 3 Hastati with plum

CPR 4 Principes in mail, pilum

CPR 5 Triarii

CPR 6 Foot command: officers x3, musicians x2,

standards x3

CPR 7 Penal legionary

CPR 8 Leves light infantry

CPR 9 Velite, helmet, javelin, shielded MP

CPR 10 Principes sword

CPR 11 Hastati sword

CPR 12 Mounted command: generals x2, standards x2

CPR 13 Incendiary pigs and handler


Carthaginian/ Spanish

CAR 1 Libyan spearman in captured Roman armour

CAR 2 Mounted command: officer, trumpet, standard,


CAR 3 Poeni cavalry

CAR 4 Elephant: driver, tower, javelinmen MP x2

CAR 6 Spanish cavalry, round shield

CAR 7 Spanish cavalry

CAR 8 Spanish cavalry, oval long shield

CAR 9 Numidian cavalry, light horse MP

CAR 10 Infantry command: officers x3, standards x3,

musicians x2

CAR 11 Poeni citizen spearmen

CAR 12 Poeni/ Libyan heavy spearmen

CAR 13 Libyan spearmen

CAR 14 Numidian javelinmen MP

CAR 15 Ligurian javelinmen V

CAR 16 Chariot: horses x4, driver, javelinmen x2

CAR 17 Balearic slingers MP

CAR 18 Carthaginian 2 Horse Chariot

SCC 6 Celtiberian Scutarii

SCC 10 Iberian Caetrati 1

SCC 11 Iberian Caetrati 2

SCC 15 Lusitanian Caetrati

Other Spanish: use HOG12, 13

Other Gallic troops: use BAR

Other Italians: use ITI

Other Greeks: use HOG


Hoplite Greek

HOG 1 Officers: command x2, foot x4

HOG 2 Hoplites mixed types, thrusting spear

HOG 3 Hoplite light type, spear raised for rear rank, Pilos


HOG 4 Cavalry Boetian helmet

HOG 5 Thessalian cavalry

HOG 6 Light cavalry

HOG 7 Light javelinman (also helots)

HOG 8 Slinger (also helots)

HOG 9 Thracian javelinman, helmet, long shield

HOG 10 Thracian Romphai and javelinman

HOG 11 Paphlagonian javelinman

HOG 12 Syracusian/Gaul sword, javelin, shield

HOG 13 Syracusian/Spanish, pilum shield

HOG 14 Athenian mercenary horse archer (Scythian)

HOG 15 Hoplite, armour, Corinthian helmet (no crest),

spear raised

HOG 16 Mina stone throwers with 3 crew x10

HOG 17 Cretan archer

HOG 18 Greek peltast, half moon shield

HOG 19 Light bowman

HOG 20 Spartan Hoplite with transverse crest, thrusting


HOG 21 Peltast, half moon shield, javelins and long spear

HOG 22 Spartan Hoplite, pilos helmet, spear raised for

rear rank

HOG 23 Hoplite at rest

HOG 24 Greek Armoured Hoplite, spear at 45

HOG 25 Unarmoured Hoplites spear at 45


Middle and Late Imperial Roman

SPQR 1 Foot command: officers x3, dracos x3, musicians x3

SPQR 2A x bow MP

SPQR 2B LR Slingers

SPQR 3 Equites Sagittarrii MP

SPQR 4 Bolt shooter and crew

SPQR 5 Legionary spear, 5th century in mail

SPQR 6 Legionary sword, 5th century in mail

SPQR 9 Legionary, late 2nd to early 3rd century, pilum

SPQR 10 Legionary command, late 2nd to early 3rd century

SPQR 11 Legionary, late 2nd to early 3rd century, sword

SPQR 13 Legionary, mid 3rd to 5th century, spear

SPQR 15 Legionary, mid 3rd to 5th century, sword

SPQR 19 Praetorian guard, 3rd to 4th century, sword

SPQR 22 Legio Lancairi, 4th century MP

SPQR 25 Auxiliary infantry, late 2nd to 4th century

SPQR 29 Auxillia Palatina, 4th to 5th century, bear headed

SPQR 33 Auxillia Palatina, 4th to 5th century, helmet MP

SPQR 37 Auxillia Palatina, 4th to 5th century, fur cap

SPQR 40 Auxillia Palatina, in trousers

SPQR 44 Auxillia bow in cap MP

SPQR 45 Auxillia bow, bear headed MP

SPQR 50 Mounted command

SPQR 60 Equites Illyricani (Promoti or Dalmatae) MP

SPQR 61 Equites single pose riders

SPQR 62 Equites separate arm riders

SPQR 63 Catfractarii

SPQR 64 Clibanarii

SPQR 65 Clibinarii on armoured horses



IND2 Elephant: Command or line, driver, Howdah and umbrella carrier

IND3 Elephant: driver and bowmen x2

IND4 Chariot: horses x2, driver, bowmen x2

IND5 Chariot: horses x4, drivers x2, bow x2, javelins x2 (Suitable for General’s chariot)

IND6 Cavalry shield and javelin

IND7 Bowman MP

IND8 Spearmen

IND9 Bowmen, skirmishing

IND10 Spearmen, narrow shield

IND11 Maiden guard

IND13 Cavalry, frontal horse armour


Early Italian Etruscan, Campanian, Bruttian, Apullan

ITI1 Oscan spearman

ITI2 Hoplite: Etrusco-Corinthian helmet

ITI3 Etruscan Hoplite

ITI4 Oscan cavalry

ITI5 Campanian cavalry

ITI6 Etruscan javelinman Ps/Ax (I)

ITI7 Oscan javelinman, shield

ITI8 Apulian javelinman, shield

ITI9 Campanian Hoplite

ITI10 Etruscan Chariot (2 horse single crew)


Marian/ Early Imperial Romans

VVV1 Legionary in mail, pilum

VVV2 Legionary in Lorica segmenta, sword

VVV3 Augustan legionary, pilum

VVV4 Eastern auxiliary bowmen

VVV5 Western auxiliary bowmen

VVV6 Auxiliary regular

VVV7 Imperial Roman foot Command

VVV9 Equites Alares, regular Roman cavalry

VVV10 Mounted Roman Command

VVV12 Catafractarii

VVV13 Marine with pilum

VVV14 Auxiliary in mail

VVV15 Legionary in Lorica segmenta, pilum

VVV17 Praetorian cavalry

VVV18 Equites contarorium, lance

VVV20 Roman Racing Chariot



NUM1 General’s command, mounted

NUM3 Roman trained regular auxiliary infantry

NUM4 Imitation legionaries

CAR9 Numidian light horse MP

CAR14 Numidian javelinmen

Elephants: use CAR4




SAR1 Cavalry in scale armour, lance and bow

SAR2 Cavalry in scale armour, unarmoured horses


Selucids and Successors

HOG1 Officers, foot and mounted

ALM1 Companions

SEL1 Agema command (as type 4)

SEL2 Agema/ line cavalry, frontal horse armour

SEL4 Agema/ line cavalry, fully armoured horses

SEL5 Tarantine cavalry

SEL6 Militia/ line cavalry

SEL7 Phalangite pike

SEL8 Argyraspid pike

SEL9 Elephant: driver and pikeman astride

SEL10 Elephant: driver, howdah, pikeman, bow and


SEL12 Paionian cavalry

SEL13 Tarantine cavalry, javelin, shield



THR1 General/noble cavalry

THR2 Noble cavalry

THR3 Light horse javelin

THR4 Light cavalry bow

THR5 Javelinman, shieldless

THR6 Slinger

THR7 Archer

THR8 Peltast/javelinman, shield

THR9 General’s command, mounted

Other peltasts: use HOG9, 10


Dark Ages

DARK1 Goth/Visigoth Mounted command:

DARK3 Noble / Bucellarii cavalry MP

DARK4 Cavalry / Gardingi MP V

DARK5 Warband foot warriors, round and oval shields MP V

DARK6 Warband foot warriors, coffin shields MP

DARK10 Bowmen MP



Early Saxons 250 – 800 AD

SAXN1 Foot Command: Nobles x3, warhorns x2, standard bearers x3

SAXN2 Noble warriors MP V

SAXN3 Peasant warband, swords and spears MP V

SAXN4 Scouts slingers MP V

SAXN5 Mass levy mixed weapons MP V

(Many figures are very useful as late Saxon basic troops)


Huns 374 – 559 AD

HUNS1 Mounted Command

HUNS2a Noble Heavy Cav

HUNS3 Light horse MP V

HUNS4 Light horse shooting to rear MP V


Sub Roman British 407 – 945 AD

Generals and Cavalry: use SPQR 63, 64, 50

Cavalry: use SPQR 64, 60, 61, 62

Pedyt: use SPQR 25, 26, 29, 33

Bow: use SPQR 44, 45

Palmyran 260 – 273 AD, Parthians 250 BC – 225 AD

PAL1 Regular Archers

Cataphracts: use SPQR 6



Han Chinese 200 BC – 189 AD

HDC1 Spearmen

HDC2 Infantry command

HDC3 Crossbowmen

HDC4a 4 horse Chariot armoured (crew variety allows for command chariot)

HDC4U 4 Horse Chariot unarmoured armoured (crew variety allows for command chariot)

HDC5A Horses x2, crew x2, chariot driver, halberdier, armoured horse

HDC 5U Horses x2, crew armoured (crew variety allows for command chariot)

HDC6 Bowman

HDC7 Cavalry with halberd

HDC8 Light cavalry lance

HDC9 Light cavalry bow

HDC10 Cavalry with crossbow

HDC11 Heavy cavalry with lance

HDC12 Infantry with halberd and shield

HDC13 Stone throwing engine and 3 crew

HDC14 Convict with spear

HDC15 Swordsmen with parrying weapons

HDC16 Tribal infantry, javelin and shield

HDC17 Dependent state / Tribal cavalry bow

HDC19 Bolt shooters, small, and crew x2

HDC20 Two -handed swordsmen

HDC22 Shieldless halberdier



BUR 1 Mon Guard spearmen

BUR 2 Mon Guard bowmen

BUR 3 Elephant, Command or line, driver and 6x bowmen (same as BUR16)

BUR 4 Javelinmen skirmishers

BUR 5 Mon Guard cavalry

BUR 6 Bowmen

BUR 8 Spearmen

BUR 9 Mounted general and escort

BUR 10 Cavalry

BUR 11 Bowmen, skirmishing

BUR 12 Crossbowmen

BUR 13 Mon Guard crossbowmen

BUR 14 Mon Guard swordsmen



TIB 1 Tibetan armoured cavalry

TIB 2 Tibetan / Nepalese cavalry

TIB 3 Nomad cavalry with bow

TIB 4 Bowmen

TIB 5 Javelinmen with shield

TIB 6 Nobles, Khambra, Irregular Cavalry



ABR1 Arabs with spears, mounted on camels MP

ABR2 Arab cavalry MP


15mm Late Medievals, 1300 onwards

YLT1 Longbowmen MP V

YLT2 Halberdiers MP V

YLT3 Men at arms, dismounted MP V

YLT4 Welsh bow MP



French 1802-1815


Line Infantry 1812-15

FRN1 Centre company, high porte

FRN1A Centre company, advancing

FRN2 Flank company, high porte

FRN3 Centre company, march attack

FRN4 Command: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4

FRN5 Flank Company Advancing

FRN6 Flank company, march attack

High Command

FRN25 Napoleon with staff, mounted x3

FRN26 Staff, mounted x4

Line Infantry in greatcoat

FRN7 Centre company, high porte

FRN10 Flank company, high porte

FRN38 Centre company, march attack

FRN39 Flank company, march attack

FRN40 Command: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4


Light Infantry 1812-15

FRN5 Advancing

FRN5A Command: Officers x2, buglers x2, troopers x4


Line Heavy Cavalry

FRN14 Dragoon

FRN16 Dragoon command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

FRN17 Cuirassiers

FRN18 Cuirassiers command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper



FRN28 4 Pdr cannon x2

FRN29 12 Pdr cannon x2

FRN30 Foot artillery crew 1812-15

FRN31 8 Pdr cannon x2

FRN31h Howitzers x2

FRN87 Horse Artillery crew

AHU17 6 Pdr cannon x2

FRN89 Foot artillery team in shako (x3) and 6 horses $12

FRN90 Horse Artillery team and 6 horses $12


Line Light Cavalry 1804-15

FRN11 Hussar in cylindrical shako

FRN13 Hussar command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

FRN19 Polish lancers

FRN20 French Lancer command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

FRN21 1st to 6th lancers

FRN22 1st to 6th command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

FRN58 11th (Dutch) Hussars cylindrical shako

FRN59 11th command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper


Line Light Cavalry 1815

FRN41 1st Chasseur in helmet

FRN42 Chasseur command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

FRN43 Chasseur a Cheval

FRN44 Chasseur Command

FRN45 Carabiniers

FRN46 Carabinier Command

FRN58 11th Hussars (Dutch) Cylindrical Shako

FRN59 11th Hussar Command

FRN60 Elite Chasseurs

FRN61 Elite Chasseur Command


Sappers and Engineers

FRN70 Sapper in bearskin


Imperial Guard

FRN8 Old Guard grenadier, march attack

FRN9 Old Guard command: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4

FRN71 Old/Middle Guard Chasseurs a Pied marching

FRN72 Old/Middle Guard Chasseurs a Pied Command

FRN73 3rd Regiment Grenadiers a Pied (Dutch Grenadiers)

FRN74 3rd Regiment Grenadiers a Pied (Dutch Grenadiers) Command

FRN75 Middle Guard Grenadier Fusiliers, marching

FRN76 Middle Guard Grenadier Fusiliers, Command

FRN77 Middle Guard, Chasseur Fusiliers, marching

FRN78 Middle Guard, Chasseur Fusiliers, Command

FRN79 Young Guard, Tirailleurs, marching

FRN80 Young Guard, Tirailleurs, advancing

FRN81 Young Guard, Tirailleurs, Command

FRN82 Young Guard Voltigeurs marching

FRN83 Young Guard Voltigeurs advancing

FRN84 Young Guard Voltigeurs Command

FRN 85 Old Guard Artillery crew

FRN86 Young Guard Artillery crew

FRN88 Guard Horse Artillery crew

FRN 91 Guard Horse Artillery team and 6 horses $12

FRN92 Guard Horse Artillery team and 6 horse $12


Battalion Packs

Normally contains 24 infantry/12 cav figs including flank company and command figs (where applicable). $20


FRNBT1 Infantry Battalion 1812-15

FRNBT2 Infantry in Greatcoat

FRNBT3 Dragoon Regiment

FRNBT4 Cuirassier Regiment

FRNBT5 Old Guard Grenadier Battalion

FRNBT6 Hussar Regiment

FRNBT7 Line Lancer Regiment

FRNBT8 Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (shako)

FRNBT9 11th Hussars (Dutch) Regiment

FRNBT10 Chasseur a Cheval with helmet

FRNBT11 Young Guard Tirailleurs Battalion

FRNBT12 Young Guard Voltigeur Battalion

FRNBT13 Carabinier Regiment


British 1801-1815

High Command

BRN27 Wellington and staff x3

BRN28 Staff, mounted


Highland Infantry in kilt 1801-15

BRN6 Centre company, high porte

BRN6A Centre company, march attack

BRN7 Flank company, high porte

BRN7A Flank company, march attack

BRN8 Command: Officers x2, standards x4, drummers x2


Line Infantry

Low Shako 1801-1812

BRN37 Centre company, high porte

BRN38 Flank company, high porte

BRN39 Command: Officers x2, standards x4, drummers x2


Stove Pipe Shako 1806-15

BRN18 Flank company, high porte

BRN18A Centre company, high porte

BRN20 Command: Officers x2, standards x4, drummers x2


Line Infantry Belgic Shako 1812-15

BRN1 Centre company, high porte

BRN2 Flank company, high porte

BRN3 Centre company, march attack

BRN4 Flank company, march attack

BRN5 Command: Officers x2, standards x4, drummers x2


Heavy Cavalry 1801-1813

BRN35 Heavy dragoon

BRN36 Dragoon command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper


Heavy Cavalry 1812-15

BRN15 Scots Greys

BRN16 Greys Command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

BRN21 Household cavalry

BRN22 Household command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

BRN48 Lifeguards

BRN49 Lifeguard Command


Rifle Brigade 1801-15

BRN12 Riflemen, skirmishing

BRN14 Command: Officers x2, buglers x2, troopers x4


Light Infantry Stove Pipe Shako 1803-15

BRN19 Skirmishing

BRN19A Command: Officers x2, buglers x2, troopers x4


Light Cavalry 1801-13

BRN43 Light dragoon

BRN44 Light dragoon command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper


Light Cavalry 1806-15

BRN40 Hussar in busby

BRN41 Hussar command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper


Light Cavalry 1812-15

BRN23 Hussar in shako

BRN24 Hussar command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

BRN25 Light dragoon in shako

BRN26 Light dragoon command: Officer, bugler,

standard, trooper


BRN29 9 Pdr cannon x2

BRN29h Howitzers (x2)

BRN30 Foot artillery crew 1812-15

BRN31 Horse artillery crew 1801-15

BRN34 6 Pdr cannon x2

BRN42 Foot artillery crew 1801-13

BRN45 Foot Artillery team on horses stovepipe shako $12

BRN46 Foot Artillery team on horses Belgic shako $12

BRN47 Horse Artillery team on horses $12


Battalion Packs

Normally contains 24 infantry/12 cav figs including flank company and command figs (where applicable). $20


BRNBT1 Highland Infantry Battalion

BRNBT2 Line Infantry battalion low shako, high porte

BRNBT3 Line Infantry stove pipe shako, high porte

BRNBT4 Line Infantry Belgic shako

BRNBT5 Heavy Dragoon Regt. 1801-1813

BRNBT6 Heavy Dragoon/Household Regt 1812-1815

BRNBT7 Scots Greys Regt

BRNBT8 Light Dragoon Regt. 1801-1813

BRNBT9 Hussar Regt (busby)


Prussian 1812-1815

Line Infantry

NPR1 Advancing, high porte

NPR2 Command: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4

NPR3 Advancing, high porte, blanket roll

NPR4 Command with blanket roll: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4



NPR5 Advancing, high porte

NPR6 Command: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4


Jagers in oilskin shako

NPR9 Skirmishers MP

NPR10 Command: Officers x2, buglers x2, troopers x4


NPR11 Advancing MP

NPR12 Command: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4


Light Cavalry

NPR22 Hussars

NPR23 Hussar command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper


Heavy Cavalry

NPR20 Cuirassiers, no cuirass

NPR21 Cuirassier command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

NPR24 Dragoon

NPR25 Dragoon command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper


High Command

NPR19 Blucher and staff

NPR31 Staff officers, mounted x4


NPR30 Artillerymen

NPR32 12 pdr (x2)

NPR33 6pdr (x2)

NPR33h Howitzer

NPR34 6x horse 3 mount artillery team


Battalion Packs

Normally contains 24 infantry/12 cav figs including flank company and command figs (where applicable). $20


NPRBT Fusilier Battalion

NPRBT2 Fusilier Battalion Blanket roll

NPRBT3 Grenadier Battalion

NPRBT4 Landwehr Battalion

NPRBT5 Hussar Regt

NPRBT6 Cuirassier Regt

NPRBT7 Dragoon Regt


Russian 1812-1815


Infantry Kiver shako

RUS1 March attack

RUS2 Command: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4

RUS3 Advancing, high porte

Infantry in pre-Kiver shako

RUS4 March attack

RUS5 Command

RUS6 Advancing

Grenadiers Kiver shako

RUS10 March attack

RUS11 Advancing, high porte

RUS12 Command: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4


Grenadiers Pre-Kiver shako

RUS13 March Attack

RUS14 Command

RUS15 Advancing



RUS21 Mixed poses MP

RUS25 Command: Officers x2, buglers x2, troopers x4

RUS26 Pre-Kiver shako

RUS 27 Pre-Kiver shako Command



RUS30 Foot artillery crew Kiver shako

RUS31 Foot 10 Pdr guns x2

RUS32 Foot Artillery crew pre-kiver shako

RUS52 Licorne guns

RUS53 Horse Artillery guns

RUS54 Horse Artillery crew

RUS55 Horse Artillery Licorne guns

RUS56 Foot Artillery team x 3 on 6 horses $12

RUS57 Horse Artillery team x 3 on 6 x Horses


Light Cavalry

RUS40 Hussars

RUS41 Hussar command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

RUS44 Uhlan

RUS45 Uhlan command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

RUS46 Chasseur a cheval

RUS47 Chasseur command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

RUS48 Cossacks, sword and lance


Heavy Cavalry

RUS42 Dragoon

RUS43 Dragoon command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper

RUS50 Cuirassier

RUS51 Cuirassier command: Officer, bugler, standard, trooper


Battalion Packs

Normally contains 24 infantry/12 cav figs including flank company and command figs (where applicable). $20


RUSBT1 Infantry Battalion Kiver shako

RUSBT2 Grenadier Battalion Kiver shako

RUSBT3 Hussar Regt

RUSBT4 Uhlan Regt

RUSBT5 Chasseur a Cheval Regt

RUSBT6 Cossack Regt

RUSBT7 Cuirassier Regt

RUSBT8 Dragoon Regt

RUSBT9 Infantry Battalion Pre-Kiver shako

RUSBT10 Grenadier Battalion Pre-Kiver shako


15mm Bavarian 1806-1815

BGS1 Centre company, high porte

BGS2 Flank company, high porte

BGS3 Command: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4

BGS4 Centre company, march attack

BGS5 Flank company, march attack

BGSBT1 Infantry Battalion $20


15mm Casualties

NCS1 Dead horses x4

NCS2 Dead French infantry

NCS3 British casualties

NCS4 Prussian Infantry casualties

NCS5 Cavalryman casualties



Starter armies2 packs each of heavy cavalry, light

cavalry, artillery guns and gunners, 4 packs of infantry


Brigade armies 3 packs each of heavy and light cavalry, 4

packs of artillery, guns and gunners, 12 packs infantry, 1

pack light infantry, 1 pack generals or staff


Armies available are:

French 1792-1802

British 1801-1812

Prussian 1792-1807

Prussian 1812-1815

French 182-1815

British 1812-1815

Austrian 1792-1805

Russian 1812-1815


Revolutionary Wars 1793-1802

Infantry Command Packs: Officers x2, standards x2, drummers x4

Cavalry Command: Buglers x2, troopers x2.


French 1791-1802

FRV1 The Paris mob (unwashed) MP

FRV2 Levee en Mass fusiliers Bleus MP V

FRV3 Fusiliers in Tarleton (Blancs)

FRV4 Infantry command Tarleton Blancs

FRV5 Infantry command Bleus V

FRV6 Fusiliers, Bleus, advancing, high porte V

FRV7 Fusiliers, varied poses MP

FRV8 National/ Swiss Guard

FRV9 Cuirassier (no breast plate)

FRV10 Command for FRV9

FRV11 Enthusiastic Infantry

FRV12 Infantry Firing

FRV13 Fusiliers march attack

FRV14 Hussars

FRV16 Cuirassier, front plate only

FRV17 Officers/ general, mounted

FRV18 Hussar command

FRV19 Cuirassier command

FRV20 Dragoon

FRV21 Dragoon command

FRV22 Chasseur a Cheval

FRV23 Artillerymen

FRV24 Grenadier/Light Infantry advancing

FRV25 Chasseur a Cheval Command

FRV26 Carabiniers a Cheval

FRV27 Chasseur a Cheval Command

FRV28 Consular Guard a Cheval

FRV29 Consular Guard a Cheval Command

FRV30 Mounted Arillery bicorne (3 x riders, 6 x horses) $12

FRV31 Fusiliers in Terleton, advancing

FRV32 Centre Company, bicorne, firing

FRV33 Flank Company, bicornefiring

FRV34 Centre Company, bicorne, marching

FRV35 Flank Company, bicorne, marching

FRV36 Centre Company, bicorne, advancing


Demi Brigades early 1/3 Blancs 2/3 Other chaps



Battalion Packs

Normally contains 24 infantry/12 cav figs including flank company and command figs (where applicable). $20


FRVBT1 Cuirassier Regt (no breastplate)

FRVBT2 Cuirassier Regt, front breastplate

FRVBT3 Hussar Regt

FRVBT4 Dragoon Regt

FRVBT5 Chasseur a Cheval Regt

FRVBT6 Carabinier s Cheval Regt

FRVBT7 Consular Guard Regt

FRVBT8 Les Blancs Tarleton Infantry Regt

FRVBT9 Les Bleus Fusilier Infantry Regt


Prussian 1792-1807

PRU1 Fusilier, advancing

PRU2 Fusilier command

PRU3 Grenadier, advancing

PRU4 Grenadier command

PRU5 Officer/ general, mounted

PRU6 Hussar

PRU7 Dragoon

PRU8 Cuirassier

PRU9 Hussar command

PRU10 Cuirassier command

PRU11 Artillerymen

PRU12 Dragoon command

PRU13 Battalion Infantry guns

PRU14 Fusilier Command

PRU15 Fusilier firing

PRU16 Fusilier advancing

PRU17 Jaeger Command

PRU18 Jaeger, firing

PRU19 Jaeger, advancing

PRU20 Jaeger loading

PRU21 Artillery team (3 x riders, 6 x horses) $12

LAW11 Prussian Ammunition Wagon

LAW7 Prussian Limber


Battalion Packs

Normally contains 24 infantry/12 cav figs including flank company and command figs (where applicable). $20


PRUBT1 Musketeer Battalion

PRUBT2 Grenadier Battalion

PRUBT3 Fusilier Battalion

PRUBT4 Hussar Regt

PRUBT5 Dragoon Battalion

PRUBT6 Cuirassier Regt



Austrian 1792-1805

AHU1 Fusilier, firing

AHU2 Cuirassiers in helmet

AHU3 Fusilier, advancing

AHU4 Fusilier march attack

AHU5 Fusilier command

AHU6 Grenadier march attack

AHU7 Cuirassier command

AHU8 Hussars

AHU9 Grenadier command

AHU10 Lancer/ Uhlan

AHU11 Hussars

AHU12 Officers/ general, mounted

AHU13 Fusilier in helmet, advancing

AHU14 Grenadier, advancing

AHU15 Artillerymen

AHU16 12 Pdr cannon x2

AHU17 6 Pdr cannon x2

AHU18 Howitzers x 2

AHU19 Fusilier, helmet musket across chest

AHU21 Fusilier, helmet, marching

AHU22 Infantry Command, helmet

AHU23 Fusilier, shako, advancing

AHU24 Fusilier, shako, marching

AHU25 Fusilier, shako, command

AHU26 Jaeger/Landwehr, advancing

AHU27 Jaeger/Landwehr, marching

AHU 28 Jaeger/Landwehr Command

AHU29 Artillery team (3 x riders, 6 x horses) $12


Battalion Packs

Normally contains 24 infantry/12 cav figs including flank company and command figs (where applicable). $20


AHUBT1 Fusilier Battalion, shako

AHUBT2 Fusilier Battalion, helmet

AHUBT3 Grenadier Battalion

AHUBT4 Landwehr Battalion



15mm Fantasy



ELF1 King, mounted and lancers x2

ELF2 Magic group of 6 MP

ELF3 Lancers

ELF4 Guard, spear

ELF5 Wood elf, bow

ELF6 Thieves

ELF7 Sprites

ELF8 Elf, bow, armed cavalry

ELF9 Guard, bow

ELF10 Wood elf, spear

ELF11 Elf infantry command

Elven army for ‘Hordes’ – ELF1, ELF2, ELF3 x2, ELF5 x2 ($31.50)


Orcs and Goblins

GOB1 Drummers x2, standard bearer x2, Orcs x4

GOB2 Swarm of bats

GOB3 Wolf riders MP V

GOB4 Wolves x6 MP

GOB5 Goblins, small, unarmoured, mixed, weapons V

GOB9 Spiders, giant x2

GOB10 Trolls

GOB11 Orcs, armoured with standard MP V

GOB12 Orcs, armoured MP V

GOB13 Orcs, unarmoured, mixed weapons V

GOB14 Overseers with whips x6

GOB15 Goblins, winged x6

GOB16 Goblin archers

GOB17 Platform cart: wolves x2, driver, bowman

GOB18 Goblins, winged with trident x6 (these may be useful as Tengu, winged nasties from Japanese myths)

GOB19 Ogre with Club

GOB20 Ogre with

GOB21 Axe armed Ogre with sword


Goblin/ Orc army for ‘Hordes’ – GOB1, 9, 11, 12 and 13 x1, GOB2, 3 and 4 x2, and GOB5 x3 ($73)


Reptilians and Lizardmen

LIZ1 General and standard bearer in giant war turtle ($8.25)

LIZ2 Magicians and cauldron x6

LIZ3 War turtle with crossbow crew x2 ($8.25)

LIZ4 Pterosaur, flying with crossbow rider

CFB3 Pterosaur x2

LIZ5 Lizardmen with sword and shield

LIZ6 Lizardmen with trident

LIZ7 Lizardmen with halberd

LIZ8 Lizardmen with short sword

LIZ9 Lizards, armoured with sword

LIZ10 Dinosaurs with rider x4

LIZ11 Lizards, crossbow armed

LIZ12 Lizards, small, carnivorous x8, with handler

LIZ13 Dinosaurs, armoured, lance armed x4, with armoured rider


Lizard army for ‘Hordes’ – LIZ1, LIZ4-9 x1, LIZ3, 10 x2 ($66)


Skeletons and Undead

EEC1 Necromancers sowing dragons’ teeth

EEC2 Wraiths

EEC3 Chariot: vampire horses x2 MP V

EEC4 Skeletal cavalry on vampire horses

EEC5 Skeletal halberdiers V

EEC6 Skeletal bowmen

EEC7 Skeletal standard bearers and escort V

EEC8 Skeletons, scythe armed V

EEC9 Skeletal swordsmen V

EEC10 Ghouls V


For bats: use GOB2

Undead army for ‘Hordes’ – EEC1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8and 10 x1, GOB2 and EEC4 x2 ($62.50)



RAT1 Command

RAT2 Rats with halberds

RAT3 Rats with spears

RAT4 Rats with swords and shields

RAT4 More rats with swords and shields

RAT6 Rats with Bows

RAT7 Rats with Blunderbusses


Rat army: RAT1, 6 x1, RAT3 x2, RAT2, 4, 5 x3 ($67.50)


Duck Persons

QAK1 Duck with halberd

QAK2 Duck with sword

QAK3 Duck with sling

QAK4 Duck, young egg guard with sling x12

QAK5 Duck with spear


Semi-historical Egyptians

SHE1 General in sabre tooth tiger Chariot

SHE2 Magicians x6 and cauldron

SHE3 Sabre tooth tiger drawn Chariot, open sides

SHE4 Bowmen, jackal-headed x8

SHE5 Swordsmen, crocodile-headed x8

SHE6 Mummies MP x 6

SHE8 Sabre tooth tiger drawn line battle Chariot


Semi-historical Egyptian army for ‘Hordes’ – SHE1, 2, 3, 4, 5 x1, SHE3 x4 ($41.50)


Chaos Beast Men

CBM1 Snake Heads

CBM2 Cat Heads

CBM3 Croc Heads

CBM4 Hawk Heads


Fantasy Beasts

CFB1 Sabre-toothed tigers x4

CFB2 Plague of frogs

CFB3 Dinosaur, flying

CFB4 Unicorns x4

CFB5 Pegasus x3

CFB6 Bears x4

MIN1 Minotaur with axe x3

CEN1 Centaur with bow x3

CEN2 Centaur with bow, armoured x3

CEN3 Centaur with spear, armoured x3

ALC6 Giant ape

GOB2 Swarm of bats

LYC1 Werewolves

EFS1 Barbarian with random adventurers x7

TBR1 Tree beings, 5 different models (1 per pack)

MMO1 Witches coven, flying

TUS1 Valkyrie warrior maiden on flying horse x3


Wraith Kings

WRK1 Wraith kings on foot with swords x3

WRK2 Wraith kings, mounted x3


Fantasy Humans

FHM1 Dismounted Wayrider with sword



SBB1 Dwarf knight riding bear x4

SBB2 Foot command

SBB3 Ye hand gunners

SBB5 Blades: swords, axes, halberds

SBB8 Dwarves with crossbows V

SBB9 Dwarf spearpersons, helmets

SBB10 Pike with helmets



HBT1 Halfling command

HBT2 Halflings with swords, some helms, some shields


HBT3 Halflings with bows MP V

HBT4 Halflings with spears

HBT5 Halflings with slings

HBT6 Halflings with farm weapons


10mm FIGS


Perrin 10mm figures come in packs of 2 vehicles or 20 figures unless marked.

Vehicles are $13.20 per pack, Figures $7 per pack.

Where marked with a ‘*’ company bags of 10 vehicles are available for $49.50


American Vehicles

US101 Stuart M3 2 *

US102 M3 Lee 2

US103 Sherman M4 75mm 2

US104 Sherman M4A1 (Cast Hull) 2

US105 Sherman M4A1 76mm (Cast Hull M3 Suspension 

US106 Sherman M4A3 75mm Early 2 *

US107 Sherman M4A3 76mm Early 2 *

US108 Sherman M4A3 75mm Late 2 *

US109 Sherman M4A3 76mm Late 2 *

US110 Sherman M4A3E8 76mm HVSS 2

US111 Sherman M4A3 CS 105 Howitzer 2 *

US112 M24 Chaffee 2

US113 M10 Tank Destroyer (Early no weight) 2 *

US114 M10 Tank Destroyer (Triangle weight) 2


US115 M10 Tank Destroyer (Duckbill weight) 2

US116 M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer 2 *

US117 M36 Jackson Tank Destroyer 2 £*

US201 M7B1 Priest 105mm SPG 2 *

US301 M3 White Scout Car 2

US302 M3 Halftrack 2

US303 M8 Greyhound Car 2

US401 Jeep 4 *

US402 Dodge 3/4 Ton Cargo Truck 2

US403 Dodge 1/2 Ton Cargo Truck 2

US404 GMC 2 1/2 Ton Cargo Truck 2 *

US405 GMC 2 1/2 Ton Fuel/Water/Office Truck 2

US406 Studebaker 2 1/2 Ton Cargo Truck 

US408 DUKW 2

US407 Studebaker 2 1/2 Ton Truck 2

US409 Dodge 3/4 Ton Command Car 2


US Infantry 20 figures per pack

USI 2 Infantry with group rifles

USI 3 LMG groups (10)

USI 4 HMGs and crew (10)

USI 5 Bazooka teams (10)


German vehicles

GER101 PzKw II 2 *

GER102 PzKw 38t 2 *

GER103 PzKw III Ausf J 2 *

GER104 PzKw III Ausf M (Schurtzen) 2

GER105 PzKw IV Ausf F1 (75mm L24) 2 *

GER106 PzKw IV Ausf F2 (75mm L48) 2 *

GER107 PzKw IV Ausf H (Schurtzen) 2 *

GER108 PzKw V Panther Ausf G (Schurtzen) 2 £*

GER109 PzKw Via Tiger Ausf E 2 *

GER201 Stug III Ausf E 75L24, 75L48 2

GER202 Stug III Ausf E 75L48, 105mm 2

GER203 Hetzer 2

GER204 Marder III 75mm 2

GER205 Marder III 76mm 2

GER206 JgPz IV Lang 75mm L70 2 *

GER301 SdKfz 234/1 20mm Armoured Car 2 *

GER302 SdKfz 234/2 Puma Armoured Car 2

GER303 SdKfz 234/3 Armoured Car 2

GER304 SdKfz 234/4 Armoured Car 2

GER305 SdKfz 251/1D Halftrack 2 *

GER400 Opel Blitz 3-Ton Cargo Truck Tracked 2 *

GER401 Kubelwagon 4

GER402 Opel Blitz 1 1/2 Ton Cargo Truck 2

GER403 Opel Blitz 3 Ton Cargo Truck 2 *

GER404 Opel Blitz 3 Ton Tanker/Office Truck 2

GER405 Horsch Command Car 2

GER500 88mm Gun and Crew 2 *

GER501 PAK 40 75mm 2 *

GER801 Sdkfz 7 Heavy Tractor/Prime Mover 2 *

GER802 Sdkfz 10 Light Tractor/Prime Mover 2 *


German Infantry 20 figures per pack

WGI1 Infantry command Officers, maps etc.

WGI2 Infantry with rifles MP

WGI3 LMG groups (10)

WGI4 Heavy machine guns and crew

WGI5 Panzerschreck teams (10)

WGI6 Mortars and crew

W2G1 Infantry with Rifle and SMG (includes NCO’s)

W2G2 LMG teams moving and firing (5 of each)

W2G3 HMG teams firing

W2G5 Heavy mortar teams

W2G6 Panzerfaust teams

W2G7 Panzerschreck teams

W2G8 Officers

W2G9 Infantry and machine guns in fox holes

W2G10 Dead and wounded


Soviet Vehicles

SOV101 KV-1 Model 1940 2 *

SOV102 KV-2 2 *

SOV103 T34/76 Model 1940 2 *

SOV104 T34/76 Model 1943 2

SOV105 T34/76 Model 1943 ChTz Turret 2

SOV106 T34/85 Model 1943 2 *

SOV107 T-70 2 *

SOV201 SU-85 2 *

SOV202 SU-100 2 *

SOV301 BA-10 Armoured Car 2 *

SOV401 GAZ 67 Car 4

SOV402 GAZ AA Truck Cargo 2 *

SOV403 GAZ AAA Truck Cargo 2

SOV404 GAZ AAA Truck Office 2

SOV405 ZIS 5 Truck Cargo 2

SOV406 ZIS 6 Truck Cargo 2

SOV500 76.2mm M36 AT Gun towed 2 *

SOV501 76.2mm M36 AT Gun Deployed 2 *

Soviet Infantry packs (20 figs at $6.60 per pack)

COM1 Russian rifle group, summer dress

COM2 Sub machine guns summer dress

COM3 Anti-tank rifles MP

COM4 Light machine guns, summer dress

COM5 Command group

COM6 Heavy machine-guns (10)

COM7 Mortars and crews

COM10 SMG section winter greatcoats

COM14 Dismounted Cossacks

COM15 Mounted Cossacks (10)


British vehicles

UK101 Sherman Firefly 2

UK401 AEC Matadore 2

UK402 Dorchester Command Van + Awning 2

UK403 Bedford OY Cargo Lorry 2

UK404 Bedford OY Fuel/Water Lorry 2

UK405 Bedford OX Cargo Lorry 2

UK406 Morris Quad + Limber 2


British Infantry 20 per pack

W2B1 Infantry with Rifle and SMG (includes NCO’s)

W2B2 Bren teams moving and firing (5 of each)

W2B3 Vickers teams firing

W2B4 Light mortar teams

W2B5 Heavy mortar teams

W2B6 Piat teams

W2B7 Officers

W2B8 Infantry and machine guns in fox holes

W2B9 Dead and wounded


American Civil War

Infantry in kepi with back pack

ACW1 – Marching

ACW2a – Advancing, charging, loading, firing

ACW6 – Command X


Iron brigade

ACW22a – Advancing, charging, loading, firing MP

ACW26 – Command X


Infantry in slouch hat, blanket roll

ACW31 – Marching

ACW32a – Advancing, charging, loading, firing MP

ACW36 – Command X


Artillery and limbers

ACW201 – Napoleon guns

ACW202- Rifled guns

ACW221 – Gunners in kepi

ACW222 – Gunners in slouch hat

ACW241 – Limber, horses x2, kepi crew x2

ACW242 – Limber, horses x6, kepi crew


High command

ACW301 – Generals, mounted, floppy hat

ACW302- Generals, mounted, kepi



ACW71 – In fez, advancing

ACW76 – In fez, command X

ACW82 – Straw hat, advancing

ACW86 – Straw hat, command X


Others use SFE3 and SFE7


Infantry in kepi with blanket roll

ACW13a- Advancing, loading, firing MP

ACW16 – Command X


Cavalry in kepi

ACW101 – Sabre at ready

ACW102 – Waving sabre

ACW103 – Carbine

ACW104- Pistol

ACW105 – Command


Cavalry in slouch hat

ACW122 – Waving sabre

ACW123 – Carbine

ACW124 – Pistol

ACW125 – Command


Dismounted cavalry

ACW141 – Troopers in kepi MP

ACW143 – Horse holders and horses kepi

ACW151 – Troopers in slouch hat

ACW153 – Horses and horse holders, slouch hat



ACW401 – Infantry

ACW402 – Horses

ACW403 – Wrecked guns and limbers



Prussian and Allies

PUG1 Infantry, advancing

PUG2 Infantry, command

PUG3 Jager, advancing

PUG4 Jager, command

PUG5 Infantry with blanket roll

PUG6 Bavarian infantry

PUG7 Bavarian infantry command

PUG8 Wurtemburg infantry

PUG10 Hussars

PUG11 Hussar command

PUG12 Cuirassiers

PUG13 Cuirassiers command

PUG14 Uhlans

PUG15 Uhlans command

PUG20 Artillery command

PUG21 Krupp guns

PUG22 Bavarian artillerymen

PUG23 Prussian 6 horse limber and crew

PUG30 Divisional officers



SFE1 Infantry, advancing

SFE2 Infantry command

SFE3 Turco zouaves

SFE5 Turban zouaves

SFE7 Chasseur a pied

SFE10 Chasseur a cheval

SFE11 Chasseur a cheval command

SFE12 Cuirassiers

SFE13 Cuirassiers command

SFE14 Hussars

SFE15 Hussar command

SFE20 Artillerymen

SFE21 4 Pdr cannon

SFE25 Mitrailleuse and crew x2

SFE30 Marine infantry

SFE40 Divisional officers





SUL1 Infantry, high porte

SUL2 Infantry, firing

SUL3 Infantry command

SUL5 Gattling guns and crew x2

SUL6 Horse artillery

SUL7 Artillery crew

SUL8 6 horse limber and crew

SUL9 Ox drawn wagon (£2.00)

SUL10 Generals, mounted

SUL11 Spare oxen

SUL12 Wagon, no team for camps

SUL20 Cavalry, with sabre

SUL22 Lancers

SUL30 Natal native horse



ZIP1 Mixed warriors, spears and knobkerrie

ZIP2 Mixed warriors with rifles

ZIP3 Zulu casualties



Starter Packs – $47; Battle Packs – $116




Crimean War British

CWB1 British Command with Shako 2 standards, 2 drummers 1 officer enough for 4 battalions (20 figures)

CWB2 British Line Foot with Shako Firing

CWB3 British Line Foot with Shako Marching

CWB4 British Line Foot with Shako Advancing

CWB6 British Line Foot with Hat Firing

CWB7 British Line Foot with Hat Marching

CWB8 British Line Foot with Hat Advancing

CWB9 British Command with Shako & Greatcoat 2

standards, 2 drummers, 1 officer enough for 4 battalions

(20 figures)

CWB10 British Line Foot with Shako & Greatcoat Firing

CWB11 British Line Foot with Shako & Greatcoat


CWB12 British Line Foot with Shako & Greatcoat


CWB21 British Guards Command with Greatcoat 2

standards, 2 drummers 1 officer & 5 Guardsmen enough

for 3 battalions

CWB22 British Foot Guards with Bearskin & Greatcoat


CWB23 British Foot Guards with Bearskin & Greatcoat


CWB24 British Foot Guards with Bearskin & Greatcoat


CWB25 Highlander Command 2 standards, 2 pipers 1

officer enough for 4 battalions (20 figures)

CWB26 Highlander Firing

CWB27 Highlander Marching


CWB28 Highlander Advancing


CWR1 Russian Command, Helmet, Hitched Coat 1

standard 2 drummers, 2 officers, enough for 4 battalions

(20 figures)

CWR2 Russian Foot, Helmet, Hitched Coat Firing

CWR3 Russian Foot, Helmet, Hitched Coat Marching

CWR4 Russian Foot, Helmet, Hitched Coat Advancing

CWR5 Russian Command, Cap, Hitched Coat 1 standard 2 drummers, 2 officers, enough for 4 battalions (20 figures)

CWR6 Russian Foot, Cap, Hitched Coat Firing

CWR7 Russian Foot, Cap, Hitched Coat Marching

CWR11 Russian Foot, Helmet, Full Coat Firing

CWR12 Russian Foot, Helmet, Full Coat Marching

CWR14 Russian Foot, Helmet, Full Coat Advancing

CWR16 Russian Foot, Cap, Full Coat, Advancing

CWR17 Russian Naval infantry firing


10mm AIM Ancient armies (Armies In Miniature)

All packs contain 30 infantry, 12 cavalry, 3 chariots or 2 elephants and are $11.55 per pack.



Alexandrian army deal (Greek wars and the invasion of Persia) $169

(Contains AMC3b x 6, GHO6 x 1, GHO7 x 2, AMC6 x 1, AMC1 x 2, TCN1 x 2, AMC9 x 1)

AMC9 Command

AMC1 Companion

AMC2 Podromoi

AMC3 Phalangite (3 pose)

AMC3b Phalangite Upright

AMC3c Phalangite 45 degrees

AMC3d Phalangite Level

AMC4 Hypaspist

AMC5 Thessalian Cavalry

AMC6 Agrian Javelin

TCN1 Thracian Cavalry

GHO13 Greek Heavy Cavalry

GHO14 Greek Light Cavalry

GHO7 Cretan Archers

GHO8 Balearic/Rhodian Slingers

GHO1 Hoplites (3 pose)

GHO1b Hoplites Spear Upright

GHO1c Hoplites Spear 45 Degrees

GHO1d Hoplites Spear Level

GHO6 Peltasts

GHO10 Greek Skirmishers

NIN4 Indian Cavalry

NIN11 Indian Archers

AMC7 Alxandrian Bolt Thrower/Balista



ASC2 Eastern Phalanx (3 poses)

ASC2b Eastern Phalanx (Pike Up)

ASC2c Eastern Phalanx (Pike 45 Degrees)

ASC2d Eastern Phalanx (Pike Level)

GHO9 Late Hoplites (2 poses)

GHO9b Late Hoplites Spear Up

GHO9c Late Hoplites Spear 45 Degrees

GHO9d Late Hoplites Spear Level

ARB3 Arab Camelry

NIN11 Indian Archers

GHO7 Cretan Archers

GHO8 Balearic/Rhodian Slingers

ASC23 Selucid Armoured Elephant

ASC24 Selucid Armoured Elephant with Howdah



ARB3 Arab Camelry



BYZ 1 Guard Infantry



Galatian (with chariots) army deal

based around Ancient British due to

similar use of chariots) (Contains GAL6 x 1, GAU4 x 2, GAL1 x 3, GAL3 x 3,, GAU8 x 2, GAU3 x 3, GAU2 x 1,GAL4 x 3, GAU9 x 1, ANB2 x 1) $208.


Galatian (no chariots) army deal

based around Gauls, no chariots

 (Contains GAL6 x 1, GAL1 x 1,

GAU4 x 4, GAL3 x 5, GAU8 x 2, GAU9 x 4, GAU1 x 2, GAU2 x 2) $231.


GAL6 Galatian Command

GAU1 Noble Cavalry

GAU2 Cavalry

GAU3 Noble Infantry

GAL1 Noble Infantry captured Greek Weapons

GAU4 Warband/Infantry

ANB2 Light Javelinmen/Skirmishers

GAU6 Slingers

GAU7 Archers

GAU8 Gaisatai (Naked Warriors)

GAL3 Gaisatai with Greek Weapons

GAU9 Gaisatai Javelinmen (Naked)

GAL4 Galatian Chariots



Gallic army deal (Contains GAU10 x 1, GAU3 x 1, GAU4 x 9,

GAU8 x 2, ANB2 x 2, GAU1 x 2, GAU2 x 2) $231.


GAU10 Gallic Commanders

GAU1 Noble Cavalry

GAU2 Cavalry

GAU3 Noble Infantry

GAU4 Warband/Infantry

ANB2 Light Javelinmen/Skirmishers

GAU6 Slingers

GAU7 Archers

GAU8 Gaisatai (Naked Warriors)

GAU9 Gaisatai Javelinmen (Naked)



Indian army (Contains NIN13 x 1, NIN9 x 3, NIN11 x 3, NIN13

x 3, NIN12 x 2, NIN1 x 2, NIN5 x 2, NIN7 x 1) $190.


NIN14 Indian Command

NIN1 Indian Cavalry

NIN5 Indian Elephant

NIN6 Indian Elephant with Howda

NIN7 Maiden Guard

NIN9 Indian Spearmen

NIN11 Indian Elite Archer/Swordsmen

NIN12 Indian Tribal Archers

NIN13 Indian Archers



Rome in the West 3rd to 5th Century AD

LRO1 Legion 3rd and 4th Century

LRO5 Auxilia Palatina 4th and 5th Century

NMD1 Numidian Horse

NMD2 Numidian infantry



Parthian army deal (Contains PAR5 x 1, PAR1 x 3, PAR2 x 7, PAR3 x 1) $132.


PAR5 Parthian Command

PAR1 Parthiand Cataphracts

PAR2 Parthian Horse Archers

PAR3 Camelry

PAR4 Camelphracts

SAS6 Levy Infantry

SAS7 Levy Archers

SAS8 Slingers

SAS9 Skirmishers



Norman army deal (composed around the ‘Killer Army’, Knights, Spearmen and Archers) (ContainsNOR12 x 1, NOR5 x 5, NOR7 x 2, NOR1 x 5) $146.


Balanced Norman army deal (with a more realistic makeup) (Contains NOR12 x 1, NOR5 x 6, NOR7 x 2, NOR1 x 3, NOR4 x 1, NOR3 x 1). $156.


NOR 12 Norman Command

NOR1 Knights

NOR2 Norman Medium Cavalry

NOR3 Bretton Knights

NOR5 Dismounted Knights/Heavy Infantry

NOR6 Medium Infantry

NOR7 Armoured Archers

VIK2 Viking Mercenaries

SAX7 Later Saxon Select Fyrd

SAX10 Villagers/Peons



NMD1 Numidian Cavalry

NMD2 Numidian Javelinmen



Ligurian army deal (Contains LIG2x 1, GAU3 x 2, GAU4 x 6, LIG1 x 6, ANB2 x 6, GAU2 x 1) $248.


LIG2 Ligurian Commanders

LIG1 Ligurian infantry

GAU3 Noble Infantry

GAU4 Warband/Infantry

GAU6 Slingers

GAU7 Archers



Ancient British army deal $208. (Contains ANB4 x 1, GAU4 x 10, GAU8 x 1, ANB2 x 3, ANB1 x 1, ANB3 x 3).


ANB4 British Commanders

GAU1 Noble Cavalry

GAU2 Cavalry

ANB1 British Light Cavalry

GAU3 Noble Infantry

GAU4 Warband/Infantry

ANB2 Light Javelinmen/Skirmishers

GAU6 Slingers

GAU7 Archers

GAU8 Gaisatai (Naked Warriors)

GAU9 Gaisatai Javelinmen (Naked)

ANB3 British Chariots



Hoplite City State army deal (Classic Hoplites for the Persian wars etc.) Contains GHO18 x 1, GHO1b x 9, GHO7 x 1, GHO5 x 3, AMC5 x 1, GHO14 x 1). $179.


Theban Style army deal (Classic Hoplites with greater emphasis on Peltasts) (Contains GHO18 x 1, GHO1b x 7, GHO7 x 1, GHO5 x 6, AMC5 x 1, GHO14 x 1). $189.


Later Hoplite army deal (City states during the Successor period with a blurring between hoplites and peltasts)

 (Contains GHO18 x 1, GHO9b x 9, GHO7

x 1, GHO5 x 3, AMC5 x 1, GHO14 x 1). $179.


GHO18 Hoplite Greek Command

GHO1 Hoplites (3 pose)

GHO1b Hoplites Spear Upright

GHO1c Hoplites Spear 45 Degrees

GHO1d Hoplites Spear Level

GHO5 Peltast

GHO7 Cretan Archers

GHO8 Balearic/Rhodian Slingers

GHO9 Late Hoplites (2 poses)

GHO9b Late Hoplites Spear Up

GHO9c Late Hoplites Spear 45 Degrees

GHO9d Late Hoplites Spear Level

GHO10 Greek Light Javelinmen

TCN1 Thracian Cavalry

GHO14 Greek Light Cavalry



SAS2b Sassanid Clibinarii

SAS6 Sassanid Levy Infantry

SAS7 Sassanid Archers

SAS8 Sassanid Light Infantry

SAS4 Sassanid Elephant

SAS5 Sassanid Elephant with Howdah

PAR3 Camelry



SAS3 Light Cavalry/Horse Archers/Javelin

PAR2 Horse Archers

ASC2 Eastern Phalanx (3 poses)

ASC2b Eastern Phalanx (Pike Up)

ASC2c Eastern Phalanx (Pike 45 Degrees)

ASC2d Eastern Phalanx (Pike Level)

SAS9 Armenian Javelinmen (Eastern)

SAS8 Armenian/Eastern Sligners

SAS7 Armenian/Eastern Archers

SAS6 Levy Infantry

GAL1 Galatian Nobles/Infantry

GHO9 Late Hoplites (2 poses)

GHO9b Late Hoplites Spear Up

GHO9c Late Hoplites Spear 45 Degrees

GHO9d Late Hoplites Spear Level

PAR3 Camelry (Javelin)

ACM7 Eastern Bolt Throwers (unarmoured crew)



Augustan/Tiberian army deal (Contains LEG1 x 1, LEG7b x 4, LEG3e x 1, GAU4 x 2, GHO7 x 1, NMD2 x 1, AUX2 x 1, GAU2 x 1, AMC7 x 1). $146.


LEG1 Roman Command

LEG3a Marian Legion

LEG3b Marian Legion Standing

LEG3c Marian Legion Advancing

LEG3d Marian Legion Throwing

LEG3e Marian Legion Gladius

LEG7a Augustan Legion (2 poses)

LEG7b Augustan Legion Standing

LEG7c Augustan Legion Advancing

LEG7d Augustan Legion Throwing

LEG7e Augustan Legion Gladius

AUX3 Auxilium

AUX2 Auxiliary Cavalry (coffin shield)

AUX1 Western Archer

GHO7 Cretan Archers

GHO8 Balearic/Rhodian Slingers

NMD1 Numidian Cavalry

NMD2 Numidian Infantry

LEG28 Bolt Throwers crew in mail

ACM7 Bolt Throwers unarmoured crew


TRAJANIC ROMAN – Claudius to Commodus (Lorica Segmentum)

Claudius to Commodus army deal (Contains LEG1 x 1, LEG15b x 4, LEG19e x 1, AUX3 x 2, AUX2 x 1, NMD2 x 1, AUX1 x 1, NMD1 x 1, AMC7 x 1). $146.


LEG1 Roman Command

LEG15a Trajanic Legion (2 poses)

LEG15b Trajanic Legion Standing

LEG15c Trajanic Legion Advancing

LEG15d Trajanic Legion Throwing

LEG15e Trajanic Legion Gladius

LEG23b Trajanic Legion Standing extra armour for Dacian War

LEG23d Trajanic Legion Throwing extra armour for Dacian War

LEG23e Trajanin Legion with Gladius extra armour for Dacian war

LEG19a Praetorian Legion

LEG19b Praetorian Legion standing

LEG19c Praetorian Legion Advancing

LEG19d Praetorian Legion Throwing

LEG19e Praetorian Legion Gladius

LEG11a Raw Legion (Chainmail)

LEG11b Raw Legion Standing (Chainmail)

LEG11c Raw Legion Advancing (Chainmail)

LEG11d Raw Legion Throwing (Chainmail)

LEG11e Raw Legion Gladius (Chainmail)

AUX3 Auxilium

AUX2 Auxiliary Cavalry (coffin shield)

AUX1 Western Archer

GHO7 Cretan Archers

GHO8 Balearic/Rhodian Slingers

ANB1 British Cavalry

NMD1 Numidian Cavalry

NMD2 Numidian Infantry



Republican Roman army deal (Contains RPR7 x 1, RPR2 x 2, RPR1a x 8, RPR1b x 7, RPR4 x 2, RPR6 x 1, GAU2 x 1) $248.


RPR7 Republican Roman Command

RPR1a Hastatii (also Latins)

RPR1b Principes (also Latins)

RPR2 Triarii (also Latins)

RPR3 Accensi

RPR4 Velites

RPR6 Roman Cavalry

SPN2 Spanish Cavalry

SPN3 Iberian Scutari

GHO14 Greek Light Cavalry

NMD1 Numidian Cavalry

NMD2 Numidian Infantry

GAU1 Gallic Noble Cavalry

GAU2 Gallic Cavalry

GAU3 Gallic Nobles

GAU4 Gallic Warband

GAU7 Gallic Archers

ANB2 Gallic Skirmishers

GHO7 Cretan Archers

GHO8 Balearic/Rhodian Slingers



Marian/Caesarian (with Western allies) army deal (Contains LEG1 x 1, LEG3b x 4, LEG 7e x 1, GAU4 x 2, GHO7 x 1, NMD2 x 1, AUX4 x 1, GAU2 x 1, AMC7 x 1). $146.


Marian/Caesarian (with Eastern allies) army deal (Contains LEG1 x 1, LEG3b x 4, LEG 7e x 1, GAU4 x 1,

SAS3 x 2, NMD2 x 1, AUX4 x 1, NMD1 x 1, GHO7 x 1). $146.


LEG1 Roman Command

LEG3a Marian Legion (2 poses)

LEG3b Marian Legion Standing

LEG3c Marian Legion Advancing

LEG3d Marian Legion Throwing

LEG3e Marian Legion Gladius

GHO7 Cretan Archers

GHO8 Balearic/Rhodian Slingers

AUX4 Roman Cavalry (large round shield)

GAU2 Gallic Cavalry

GAU4 Gallic Infantry

NMD1 Numidian Cavalry

NMD2 Numidian Infantry

LEG28 Bolt Throwers crew in mail

ACM7 Bolt Throwers unarmoured crew



Viking army (Contains VIK6 x 1,

VIK2 x 9, VIK1 x 1, VIK3 x 1, VIK4 x 1, VIK5 x 3) $189.


VIK6 Vikings Command

VIK1 Viking Huscarls

VIK2 Viking Bondi

VIK3 Viking Archers

VIK4 Viking Beserkers

VIK5 Viking Skirmishers



Late Saxon (Hastings etc.) army deal

 (Contains SAX9 x 1, SAX6 x 1, SAX7 x 6, SAX2 x 4, SAX4 x 2, VIK5 x 2). $179.


Early Saxon (conquest) army deal. (Contains SAX9b x 1, SAX2b x 4, SAX3 x 6, SAX4 x 2, VIK5 x 2). $169


SAX9 Later Saxon Command

SAX9b Early Saxon Command

SAX2 Later Saxon Fyrd

SAX2b Early Saxon Fyrd

SAX3 Early Saxon Select Fyrd

SAX4 Saxon Archers

SAX5 Later Saxon Mounted Infantry

SAX5b Early Saxon Mounted Infantry

SAX6 Later Saxon Huscarle

SAX7 Later Saxon Select Fyrd

VIK5 Saxon/Viking Skirmishers

SAX10 Villagers/Peons



Carthaginian army deal (Hannibal in Italy)

(Contains CTG11 x 1, CTG4 x 2, CTG3 x 3, GAU4 x 3, CTG5 x 1, CHO8 x 1, CTG6 x 2, SPN2 x 1, NMD1 x 2,

SPN3 x 2). $208.


CTG11 Carthaginian Command

CTG1 Citizen Levy/Poeni Infantry

CTG3 Lybian Spearmen

CTG3b Lybian Spearmen Concave shields

CTG4 Hannibal’s Veterans

CTG5 Lybian Javelinmen

CTG6 Carthaginian Cavalry

NMD1 Numidian Cavalry

NMD2 Numidian Infantry

GAU1 Gallic Noble Cavalry

GAU2 Gallic Cavalry

GAU3 Gallic Noble Infantry

GAU4 Gallic Infantry

ANB2 Gallic Light Javelinmen/Skirmishers

GAU6 Gallic Slingers

GAU7 Gallic Archers

GAU8 Gaisatai (Naked Warriors)

GAU9 Gaisatai Javelinmen (Naked)

SPN3 Iberian Scutarii

SPN4 Iberian Caetratii

SPN2 Spanish Cavalry

SPN1 Spanish Heavy Cavalry

GH08 Balearic/Rhodian Slingers

ACM7 Bolt Thrower Unarmoured Crew





15mm Ancients Range

All Purpose Troops

ALP1 – Light javelin man [use with Romans and Germans]

ALP2 – Slingers

ALP3 – Horde, camp followers, boys, women, infirm

ALP4 – Horde with improvised weapons


Early Germans/Hairy Barbarians

GER1 – Command pack

GER2 – Warband with javelins

GER3 – Warband with swords

GER4 – Cavalry

GER5 – Cavalry



EQP1 – Roman bolt thrower and crew (2 throwers and 4 crew)

EQP2 – Buffalo (4 figures)


Imperial Roman

IMP1 – Command pack

IMP2 – Legion pilum

IMP3 – Legion, cloak, pilum

IMP4 – Eastern archer, firing

IMP5 – Roman heavy cavalry IMP6 – Legion sword

IMP7 – Western archers

IMP8 – Auxiliary

IMP9 – Eastern archer, loading

IMP10 – Roman heavy cavalry



NUM1 – Light horse

NUM2 – Imitation legionaries

NUM3 – Javelinmen

NUM4 – Javelinmen

NUM5 – Light horse


Carolingians/Later Franks

CLF1 Armoured infantry

CLF2 Light cavalry

CLF3 Heavy infantry

CLF4 Medium infantry

CLF5 Carolingian heavy cavalry

CLF6 Cavalry command

CLF7 Foot bowmen

CLF8 Foot armoured bowmen


Peter Pig

Range 1



1 .US M16 advancing

  1. US M60 MGs
  2. US Special Forces LRRP
  3. Casualties US
  4. Australians Fn rifles
  5. US Troops M16 firing
  6. Australian SAS
  7. US Troops M79 grenlaunch
  8. Crew for REVELL Huey
  9. PBR + Crew £9
  10. Destrod M113 (resin) £4.50
  11. US command
  12. US gun crew
  13. US 105mm howitzer £6
  14. Aircrew on foot
  15. 105mm shells+cases
  16. US troops with shotguns
  17. US Troops with LAWs
  18. US M48 tank £10
  19. LVTP(amtrac) Resin £6
  20. Waterline Amtrac £4.50
  21. Australian LMGs
  22. US snipers
  23. Tunnel rats
  24. 6 US characters
  25. US in foxholes(6 pairs)
  26. ACAV
  27. ACAV battle hardened
  28. M113 50cal
  29. M113 50cal


Battle Hardened VC

  1. Casualties VC
  2. Sappers
  3. VC LMG/RPG/command
  4. 6 Vietnamese characters
  5. VC ambush markers
  6. VC AK47 advancing
  7. VC AK47 firing
  8. VC AK47 kneeling
  9. VC bolt action rifles
  10. VC command
  11. VC RPGs
  12. VC snipers
  13. VC re-education unit

102, VC females

  1. VC NCOs
  2. VC ambushers



  1. Male peasants
  2. Peasant cart + buffalo
  3. Peasants dead
  4. Peasants female
  5. Peasants sitting
  6. Peasant porters



  1. NVA LMG firing
  2. NVA LMG advancing
  3. NVA AK46 kneeling
  4. NVA prone
  5. NVA AK47 advancing
  6. NVA NCO +AK47
  7. NVA AK standing firing
  8. NVA Medium mortars (2)
  9. NVA officers
  10. NVA dead
  11. NVA AK + backpacks
  12. NVA bolt action advancing
  13. NVA bolt action firing
  14. NVA RPG firing
  15. NVA RPG advancing
  16. NVA Recoilless rifles (2)
  18. NVA Snipers
  19. Medics
  20. Directional mines(10)
  21. Men with mines


Mountain tribes(part 1)

  1. Crossbows
  2. Spears
  3. Ambushers
  4. Leaders
  5. Women
  6. Casualties


Mountain tribes (part 2)

110.carbine adv

  1. BAR
  2. Leaders
  3. Carbine firing
  4. SMGs
  5. Green berets



  1. ARVN M16
  3. ARVN M79grenade launcher
  4. ARVN command
  5. ARVN mortars
  6. ARVN LAWs
  7. ARVN dead
  8. ARVN M14
  9. ARVN crew



  1. Caches/Radios/Stores $12
  2. Shout out markers


MDF cache loop $15


Range 2


“Civil War Battles” Rules         $40



  1. Hat/frockcoat advancing
  2. Command hat advancing
  3. Forage cap advancing
  4. Forage cap charging
  5. Forage cap marching
  6. Forage cap standing firing
  7. Cmnd forage cap kneeling
  8. Zouave in fez firing
  9. Zouave turban charging
  10. Dismounted cavalry hat
  11. Dismounted cav forage cap
  12. Dismounted cav command
  13. Command f/cap standing
  14. Dead in f/cap
  15. Camp party
  16. Black troops charging frgecap
  17. Loading – forage cap
  18. Forage cap adv. No bayonet
  19. Zouave kepi marching
  20. Zouave command
  21. Repeating rifle adv(hat)
  22. Forage cap advancing
  23. Div/Corps Generals
  24. Berdans sharpshooters
  25. NCO’s pushing + shouting
  26. Black Infantry firing
  27. Command f/cap advancing
  28. Backpack+f/cap adv.
  29. Mtd.ADC/Standard for Gens
  30. F/cap kneeling firing
  31. F/cap adv tatty/barefoot.
  32. Infantry prone forage cap

105 Infantry buglers

  1. Cav f/cap carbine
  2. Cav f/cap sabres
  3. Cav f/cap officers
  4. Cav f/cap standard/bugler
  5. Cav in brimmed hat
  6. Infantry hat advancing
  7. Infantry hat firing
  8. Empty horses(6)
  9. Horse holders (4)
  10. Hores holders(2) empty horses(4)



  1. Hat advancing
  2. Hat charging
  3. Hat marching
  4. Hat firing
  5. Hat Command charging
  6. Dismounted cav kepi
  7. Dismounted cav shotgun
  8. Dismounted cav command
  9. Hat command standing
  10. Zouave firing
  11. Loading in hat
  12. Div/Corps Generals
  13. Barefoot advancing
  14. NCO’s/buglers hat
  15. Dead in hat
  16. Conf in battleshirt adv
  17. Hat command advancing
  18. Backpack+hat adv.
  19. Kepi kneeling
  20. Kepi marching
  21. Kepi Advancing
  22. Kepi Cmmand standing
  23. Kepi standing firing
  24. Mounted ADC + standards
  25. Inf with blanket roll adv hat
  26. Kepi adv command
  27. Kepi and blanketroll adv
  28. Frock coat+hat firing
  29. Inf. hat kneeling firing
  30. Dsmntd cav hat firing
  31. Cav carbine hat
  32. Cav sabre hat
  33. Cav officers
  34. Cav bugler/standard
  35. Cav shotgun
  36. Empty horses(6)
  37. Horse holders (4)
  38. Hores holders(2) empty




  1. Gun 1( 12pdr Con.) x2
  2. Naval gun crew
  3. 11” Naval gun
  4. Gun 2(12pdr Union) x2
  5. 2x destroyed guns
  6. Caissons (x2)
  7. Gun 3(6pdr) x2
  8. Gun 4(10pdr Parrott) x2
  9. Gun 5(10pdr James) x2
  10. Union gun crew f/cap firing
  11. Conf.gun crew in kepi firing
  12. Gun crew hat loading (Union)
  13. Gun crew kepi loading (Conf)
  14. Union 4 horse limber standing $14
  15. Reb 4 horse limber standing $14
  16. Union 2 horse limber standing $10
  17. Reb 2 horse limber

standing $10

  1. Union 4 horse limber moving $14
  2. Reb 4 horse limber moving $14
  3. Union 2 horse limber moving $10
  4. Reb 2 horse limber moving $10
  5. Union gun crew walking
  6. Confederate crew walking
  7. Limber ammo boxes
  8. Extra standing horses
  9. Extra moving horses



  1. Civilians
  2. Surgeon’s parry
  3. stretcher parties Union
  4. Stretcher parties Confederate
  5. Rude infantry.
  6. Infantry reading
  7. Civilian hat charging
  8. 2 Tents $10



  1. Extra ammo figures/markers
  2. Low ammo figures/markers
  3. Disordered markers Conf.
  4. Disordered markers Union
  5. Musket casualty markers
  6. Artillery casualty markers
  7. Damaged battery markers (4)


Generals (Confederate)

  1. Lee
  2. Stuart
  3. Jackson
  4. Hood
  5. Beauregard
  6. Longstreet
  7. Bragg
  8. Forest
  9. AP Hill
  10. Cleburne
  11. Mosby
  12. Early
  13. DH Hill


Generals (Union)

  1. Butler
  2. Burnside
  3. McClellan
  4. Sickles
  5. Buford
  6. Reynolds
  7. Meade
  8. Hancock
  9. Sherman
  10. Grant
  11. Hooker
  12. Sheridan
  13. Thomas
  14. Kilpatrick



Union or Confederate $16


Range 3


“Conquerors and Kings” Rules $30


New Kingdom Egyptians

  1. Egyptian Bowmen
  2. NK Egyptian spearmen
  3. NK Egyptian officers
  4. NKE chariot (jav)
  5. NKE chariot/bow
  6. NKE chariot General
  7. Chariot runners
  8. NKE shock infantry
  9. NKE dead
  10. NKE standards
  11. NKE musicians
  12. NKE casualties standing
  13. NK Egyptian Sherden



  1. Midianite javelins
  2. Midianite camel troops
  3. Midianite mtd.cmd
  4. Midianite foot bows
  5. Midianite empty camels



  1. Parthian Horse archers
  2. Parthian cataphract attacking
  3. Parthian cataphract officers
  4. Parthian horse archer cmd
  5. Parthian cataphract attacking (leggings)

70 Par.Cat lance vertical

71.Par.Cat. standards

  1. Par.Cat. camels
  2. Par.Cat. Generals
  3. Par. mtd.casualties
  4. Par. horse archers loading
  5. Par. horse archers firing
  6. Par. Foot skirmishers
  7. Parthian dead
  8. Peltasts ( Parthian city)
  9. Peltast command

Various Baggage

  1. Peasants with sticks
  2. Peasants throwing rocks
  3. Pack camels
  4. Desert traders on foot



  1. Romans/Pilum/Wreath
  2. Romans Pilum/Cross shield
  3. Romans/sword/Wreath
  4. Romans sword/cross
  5. Auxiliary spear/wreath
  6. Auxiliary Archer
  7. Cavalry Wreath shield
  8. Roman foot cmd
  9. Roman generals/mntd
  10. Cav cmd wreath shield
  11. Auxiliary spear /ribbed shield
  12. Cav rib/shield
  13. Cav command rib shield
  14. Roman bolt shooter+2 crew
  15. Roman dead
  16. Moorish light cavalry



  1. Tuaregs/camel lance
  2. Tuareg/camel Javelin
  3. Tuareg/camel sword
  4. Tuareg /camel command
  5. Tuareg/camel generals
  6. Tuareg foot/spear
  7. Tuareg foot/sword

38 .Tuareg foot/command

  1. Tuareg foot/casualties



  1. German warband + Javelins
  2. German warband leaders
  3. German warband swords
  4. Ger warband casualties
  5. German warband dead
  6. German archers
  7. Ger warband Jav.(naked)
  8. German warband heroes
  9. German Cav/javs
  10. Ger cav command
  11. Ger warband standards
  12. German generals


Range 5



A= “Admirable”. Smart uniform.

B= “Battle hardened”. Uniforms showing adaptation and campaign wear.

C=”Crikey”. War torn. 


  1. Brit line Inf. advancing (B)
  2. Brit.line foot command (A)
  3. Brit line inf firing (B)
  4. Brit. Light infantry B
  5. Brit. Light inf cmd( B)
  6. Brit line infantry tricorne
  7. Scots line in trousers
  8. Scots line in kilt
  9. Scots command in trousers
  10. Scots command in kilt
  11. Guards Adv.
  12. Guards Lights
  13. Guards Command
  14. Dismounted Dragoons
  15. Dismounted Dragoon cmd
  16. Dragoons (A)
  17. Dragoon standard/bugler (A)
  18. Brit inf tricorne firing
  19. American H shirt firing
  20. American line Inf (hunting shirt) B
  21. Am. Line inf. Firing A
  22. Am line inf. Command A
  23. Militia command standing
  24. American light Inf. H shirt
  25. Militia advancing
  26. Militia inf. Firing B
  27. Mil. Long rifles firing B
  28. Indians adv. Muskets
  29. Indians firing
  30. Indians with h2h weapons
  31. Mounted American gens(A)
  32. British Generals mounted
  33. Gun crew(A)
  34. Battalion guns x 2

35 Field guns x 2

  1. Gun Crew Militia
  2. Militia command adv.
  3. Militia command hunting shirt
  4. Mtd. Militia
  5. Scouts
  6. Gun crew (Round hat)
  7. Queen’s Rangers
  8. Disordered markers
  9. Casualty markers
  10. Low on ammo markers
  11. Extra ammo markers
  12. Ladies waving
  13. Artillery casualties
  14. Queen’s Rangers cmd.
  15. Militia in shirts
  16. Militia kneeling
  17. Militia at ready
  18. Militia in headscarf
  19. Field Workers
  20. Brit.Grenadiers adv.+bayonet
  21. Brit.Grenadier command
  22. Brit Line Batt command
  23. Tatty continentals adv
  24. Dead markers
  25. Hessian musketeers firing
  26. Hessian grenadiers adv
  27. Hessian grenadier command
  28. Hesian officers (all units)
  29. Hessian grenadiers firing
  30. Hessian musketeer command
  31. Hessian jaegers
  32. Hessian fusiliers adv
  33. Hessian fusilier command
  34. Hessian Jaeger command
  35. Hessian gun crew
  36. Hessian mounted officers
  37. Militia skirmishing
  38. Continental inf in hat adv
  39. Continental at ready
  40. Continental infantry charging
  41. Legion infantry advancing
  42. Continental infantry loading
  43. Continental infantry command charging
  44. Legion foot command
  45. Brit light inf bobs
  46. Ammunition cart (£4.50)
  47. Baggage cart (£4.50)
  48. Cont. hunting shirt marching
  49. Continentals marching
  50. Continental comm. marching
  51. Brit grenadiers marching
  52. Brit round hat marching
  53. Brit cocked hat marching
  54. Hessian grenadiers march(A)
  55. Hessian fusiliers march(A)
  56. Hessian musketeers march(A)
  57. Hessian casualties(A)
  58. Dragoon horseholders
  59. Dead Indians
  60. 17th dragoon troopers
  61. 17th dragoon standards/bugles

97.17th dragoons on foot

98.17th dragoons on foot command

  1. French line advancing
  2. French line firing
  3. French command advancing
  4. French flank chasseurs adv
  5. French chasseur command
  6. French grenadiers march
  7. French grenadier command
  8. French sapeurs with axe
  9. French gun crew
  10. French line/backpacks adv
  11. French colonial adv
  12. French colonial command
  13. French mounted officers
  14. French wounded
  15. Indians with bows


  1. Heads + odds


  1. Russ-jap JAPs
  2. Stretchers(8) no bearers
  3. Naked women
  4. Bare
  5. Skulls
  6. Wolf head
  7. Lizardhead

72.Little pilots(24) for 1/144planes

77.144th Germ gunners (x12)

78.144th Brit gunners (x12)

  1. Gas mask heads
  2. Bandaged
  3. Female heads
  4. Bald heads



  1. Viking


Wars of the Roses

  1. Civilian hats



  1. ECW brimmed hat
  2. ECW Montero
  3. ECW Lobster
  4. ECW Lobster open
  5. ECW Scottish cap
  6. Monmouth Cap

71.Morion helmet

  1. Puritan hats
  2. Rough hats
  3. Irish hats
  4. Cabascet helmet



  1. Tricorne heads
  2. Dragoon heads
  3. British light inf caps
  4. Indians


ACW + western

  1. Broad brimmed hat
  2. Forage cap
  3. Zouave turban
  4. Mexican sombrero
  5. Havelock
  6. Civilian peaked hat



  1. Fez
  2. Colonial British
  3. Coolie hat
  4. Turban Sikh
  5. Turban pointy
  6. Tuareg
  7. Canadian 1865 cap



  1. Red army hat
  2. German feldmutz
  3. German helmet
  4. US doughboy hats
  5. Britis gor blimey cap
  6. Picklehaube
  7. Furry hat (Russian)
  8. Russian peaked hat
  9. British Sun helmet
  10. Belgian WW1 shako
  11. Stiff peaked hat
  12. Cossack
  13. Turkish WW1
  14. French Dragoons
  15. French alpine beret
  16. Austrian WW1 cap
  17. Scots Tam O’shanter
  18. Scots Glengarry
  19. Russian sailor cap
  20. German jaeger
  21. french gas mask
  22. Belgian carbinier
  23. Belgian cyclist
  24. Belgian grenadier
  25. German uhlan
  26. Brit cloth cover helmet
  27. Serbian cap
  28. 1920 Polish cap


Mexican Revolution

  1. Govt. peaked cap
  2. US brimmed hat




  1. SCW Isobellina cap
  2. SCW pasamontana
  3. SCW Civil Guard
  4. SCW helmets
  5. SCW Carlist beret
  6. SCW Czech helmets
  7. Peasant straw hat
  8. Moroccan turban



  1. Dutch helmet
  2. Bersaglieri helmet
  3. Russian tanker
  4. Polish beret
  5. Brit.Para helmet
  6. French Kepi
  7. EW Russian helmets
  8. Russian WW2 Helmet
  9. Sailor (British)
  10. French Adrian helmet
  11. Australian hat
  12. German helmet
  13. Italian Bersaglieri desert helmet
  14. Italian desert helmet
  15. British Helmet WW2
  16. Ger Para helmet
  17. US WW2 helmets
  18. Ger combat caps
  19. British LW helmets
  20. Italian alpini
  21. WW2 French motorised
  22. Brit Para beret
  23. Russian pilotka cap
  24. Brit Commando cap
  25. Rus ushanka fur hat
  26. Italian WW2 Helmet
  27. British sidecaps
  28. Czech helmets
  29. Italian fascist fez
  30. German assorted headgear
  31. British tanker helmets
  32. Polish cap
  33. Polish helmet
  34. Russian scouts
  35. Danish helmets
  36. Australian hat side up
  37. Slovak helmets



  1. African mod cap
  2. Beret
  3. Modern bush hat
  4. PLO scarf
  5. US
  6. FFL Beret

49.Mod Tank Cmdr

  1. US Fritz+Goggles
  2. NVA helmet
  3. IDF helmets
  4. East German helmets (German 1945)
  5. Bandana
  6. Baseball cap
  7. Swedish cold war helmets


Sci Fi heads

  1. Toro
  2. Classic


  1. Lizard


Range 7

ACW Naval Riverine

“Hammerin Iron” rules $45


The ships are mostly resin with

metal fittings .Models have indents for customers who wish to drill in their own masts etc!

Models without prices are standard packs.



  1. USS Monitor (metal) $9.90
  2. USS Essex. Ironclad $15
  3. USS Miami. side wheel $13.20
  4. USS Signal. Stern wl $13.20
  5. USS New Ironsides. $13.20
  6. USS Fuchsia gunboat $13.20
  7. USS Sandusky. 1 turret $13.20
  8. USS Onandaga. 2 turret $13.20
  9. USS Choctaw. Ironclad $13.20
  10. USS Benton Ironclad. $16.50
  11. Commodore Morris ferry $13.20
  12. USS Canonicus (montr) $13.20
  13. USS Cairo. Ironclad $13.20
  14. USS Sassacus.DbleEnd $16.50
  15. USS Hartford. Screw Sloop,

Farragut’s Flagship $19.80

  1. USS Indianola (ironclad) $13.20
  2. USS Blackhawk paddle $16.50
  3. USS Tyler .Paddle $13.20
  4. Switzerland US Ram $13.20
  5. USS Keokuk (metal) $13.20
  6. USS Passaic (monitor) $13.20
  7. USS Tuscumbia.Side/w $16.50
  8. USS Chillicothe. $13.20
  9. 90 day gunboat $16.50



  1. CSS Manassas. Cigar/ ram $13.20
  2. CSS Planter. Side wheel $13.20
  3. CSS Nashville. $16.50
  4. CSS Tuscaloosa. Ironclad $13.20
  5. CSS Virginia. Ironclad $16.50
  6. CSS Gen. Sumter $13.20
  7. CSS Albemarle. Ironclad $13.20
  8. AD Vance blockade run $13.20
  9. CSS General Bragg. $13.20
  10. CSS Gov. Moore Paddler $13.20
  11. CSS Selma. Long Paddler $13.20
  12. CSS Tennessee. Ironclad $16.50
  13. Commodore Morris Ferryboat Double- ender $13.20
  14. CSS Arkansas Ironclad $13.20
  15. CSS Palmetto State $13.20
  16. CSS Drewry (small) $13.20
  17. Mortar schooner $9.90


  1. Wrecked ship pieces (Our selection)


  1. Ships boats on davits x8
  2. Mortar Rafts (8 of)
  3. Balloon barge $14
  4. Fire rafts x 2 $14

Army figures (1/600th)

  1. 12pdr Guns and limbers
  2. Infantry Blocks (8)
  3. Cavalry Blocks (8)
  4. Skirmisher blocks (8)
  5. Command blocks (8)



  1. Medium fort with 5 guns $20
  2. Small fort with 3 guns $14
  3. Harbour bldings (3 of) $14
  4. Wharf (5”). $14
  5. Fort Sumter + guns $65
  6. Rectangular city block $16.50
  7. Farm (resin) $16.50
  8. Heavy fort guns (8of)
  9. Deck guns (heavy) (10 of)

31 .Barbette guns (10 of)

  1. Carriage guns (10 of
  2. Deck guns (medium) x10
  3. Small fort with guns $14
  4. On Table markers (8pcs)
  5. Off-table markers (12pcs)
  6. Small harbour buildings + wagons $14


Game mat

Hammerin Iron 5ftx3ft hexagon Game Mat



Range 8




  1. Rifles
  2. Brens
  3. Command
  4. 2” Mortars
  5. Vickers HMG teams
  6. Tank commanders
  7. Artillery crew
  8. Seated
  9. Generic dead
  10. Boyes A/T rifles-rebuilt
  11. Dead brits
  12. Commandos
  13. 3” mortars (2 teams)
  14. Brits having a brew
  15. Home guard rifles
  16. Home guard LMG etc
  17. Home guard Command
  18. Home guard on bicycles
  19. Brit police and wardens



  1. Para rifle
  2. Para sten
  3. Para Bren
  4. Para command
  5. Para rifle adv.
  6. Paras + PIATS
  7. Para crew
  8. Paras Seated
  9. Para HMGs

174 Para dead

  1. Para 2” mortars

224.Para 3” mortars

  1. Airborne 6pdr £4.50

430.Para NCO’s

431.Para flame. +gren.

432.Para lying

433.Para stens advancing

434.Para characters (x3 )

435.P fighting wounded/medic

436.Para kneeling command

437.Polish command

438.Polish in beret

439.Paras on m/cycles

440.Paras surrendering

  1. Canisters (2open + 1 stack)




  1. LRDG vehicle crew
  2. Desert vehicle stowage
  3. 8th army rifles firing
  4. 8th army brens
  5. 8th army platoon command
  6. 8th Army dead
  7. 8th army gun crew
  8. 8th army HMGs
  9. 8th army 3” Mortars
  10. 8th army AT Rifles
  11. 8th army SMG/NCO

260 Desert drivers

  1. 8th Army 2”mortars
  2. 8th army rifles advancing

532.8th army rifles charging

  1. 8th army surrendering

535.8th army higher command

  1. 8th army AT crew
  2. 8th army Indian riflemen

538.8th army Indian brens

539 .8th army greatcoats

540 .8th army engineers

  1. 8th army Scottish rifles
  2. 8th army Scottish SMGs
  3. 8th army Indian SMGs
  4. 8th army Indian HMGs
  5. 8th Army Indian kneel rifles
  6. 8th Army Indian 3” morta(2)
  7. 8th Ar Scot pipr/NCO/Officer




363 .14thRifles Firing

364 .14th Rifles Adv

  1. 14thThompson SMGs
  2. 14th Command
  3. 14th Dead
  4. 14th Brens

369.14th HMGs

  1. 14th 2” Mortars
  2. 14th 3” Mortars
  3. 14thCrew
  4. 14th Sten SMGs
  5. 14th Sniper/Piat/Flame
  6. 14th 3 Mules+3 men




  1. Drivers
  2. Engineers (flame etc)


LATE WAR British (scrim helmets)

  1. Snipers
  2. PIATs
  3. NCO Stens

195.Inf Grenades

  1. Inf Firing
  2. Inf advan
  3. Inf. Kneeling
  4. AT Gun crew
  5. Stens
  6. Grenades
  7. Rifles with Leather coat
  8. Sten/Rifle lying
  9. Rifles adv ( light kit )
  10. Bren sections adv.
  11. Bren sections firing
  12. Bren sections lying
  13. Radio men
  14. Platoon commanders
  15. Company commanders
  16. 2” Mortars
  17. Surrendering
  18. Medics
  19. 3” Mortars
  20. 4.2” Mortars
  21. Gun crew standing
  22. HMG’s

503.LW dead

504.Greatcoat advancing



  1. Vickers Tank MkIVC $13.20
  2. Cruiser A13Mk1 $16.50
  3. Bedford Lt Truck $13.20
  4. Matilda Mk1 Tank $13.20
  5. Truck 15CWT CMP $13.20
  6. Humber scout car $13.20
  7. Cruiser A13 Mk111 $16.50
  8. Jeep Desert
  9. Sherman Firefly $18.20
  10. Sherman M4A4 $18.20
  11. M10 Achilles 17pdr $18.20
  12. Vickers MkV1 B $13.20

561.Univ. carrier +4crew $13.20

  1. Univ. carrier +6crew $13.20
  2. Univ. carrier (mortar) $13.20
  3. Univ. carrier (HMG) $13.20
  4. Univ. destroyed.(resin) $9.90




  1. 2 Pdr (deployed)
  2. 6pdr AT gun $13.20
  3. Airborne 6pdr $13.20


Brit Paratroop jeeps

These are kits (crew included).

  1. Para Recce Jeep $13.20
  2. Brit Para Signal Jeep $13.20
  3. Brit Para Jeep with paras $13.20
  4. Brit Para Jeep 6pdr tow $13.20
  5. Brit Para trailers (3 of) $13.20


WW2 German

Early War Germans

Europe or LW defence troops.

  1. MG34 bipod
  2. 5cm mortars
  3. Gun crew
  4. Early A/T Rifles
  5. Tank Commanders
  6. Dead – Early war
  7. Seated
  8. Inf. having lunch
  9. Assault engineers
  10. 81 mm Mortars
  11. AT crew
  12. Command
  13. Kneeling ready
  14. Kneeling firing
  15. Adv under fire
  16. Advancing
  17. Rifles firing
  18. MG34 tripod (2 teams)
  19. Grenadiers
  20. SMG kneeling
  21. SMG advancing
  22. SMG stand firing
  23. Gun crew
  24. Riflemen in foxholes
  25. MG34 foxholes
  26. MG34 firing
  27. MG34 moving
  28. 50mm light mortar
  29. Medium mortars x2
  30. Dead
  31. Binoculars
  32. MG34 prone
  33. AT rifles



or as European/Russian theatre troops.

123.DAK SMGs

124.DAK Rifles

125.DAK LMGs

126.DAK Gun Crew

127.DAK Command

128.DAK Mortars

129.DAK Dead

130.DAK MG34 Tripod



These figures wear SS camouflage smock over their jacket.

131.SS Camo/Rifles

132 SS Camo/SMG

133.SS Camo/Command

134 SS Camo/MG 42

135.SS Camo/Crew

136.SS Camo/Dead

137.SS Camo /Mortars


Falschirmjaeger (FJ)

  1. Para +Rifles
  2. Para MG 42
  3. Para Tank Hunters
  4. Para MP44(LW)
  5. Para 50mm mortars

423.Demolition Paras

424.Engineer Paras

425.Para FG42


Falschirmjaeger EW

  1. Rifle standing
  2. Rifle advancing
  3. Rifle running
  4. SMG firing
  5. SMG advancing
  6. Pistols
  7. MG34 moving
  8. Grenades
  9. MG34 prone
  10. NCOs
  11. Command
  12. 81mm mortars (x2)
  13. MG34 tripod
  14. Dead
  15. Gun crew
  16. Binoculars
  17. Canister stacks
  18. Pulling canisters
  19. AT rifles
  20. 75mm recoilless x2
  21. Canisters (x8)
  22. Parachute canopy (resin)
  23. 3x parachute canopy £12
  24. Platoon commanders



  1. Solo M/Cs(4)
  2. M/C Combo(2)
  3. Tank mechanics
  4. Tank hunters in cap
  5. Inf. with Russian.SMGs


257.Volksturm Rifles

  1. SS Rifle/boots EW
  2. Ski troops
  3. Jerry cans (x10)
  4. 251 Crew seated
  5. 251 Gun crew
  6. Snipers
  7. Stug crews
  8. Downed Air Crew
  9. U boat crew


Late War Germans: All Fronts

  1. Assault Rifles – adv.
  2. SMGs (NCO) – kneeling
  3. Rifles Adv
  4. Command in helmets
  5. LW Panzerschrek troops
  6. LMG’s –standing,firing
  7. MG42 Tripod LW
  8. Rifles- standing,firing
  9. LW Panzerfausts
  10. 2 Goliath teams
  11. Assault rifles firing
  12. Surrendering
  13. Dead
  14. Rifles – firing, kneeling
  15. LMGs – lying, firing
  16. LMGs – advancing
  17. SMG (NCO) – standing
  18. Command in Cap
  19. Radio operators
  20. LMG Ammo carriers
  21. Grenadiers
  22. Gun crew kneeling
  23. Infantry lying
  24. 81mm mortars
  25. Advancing under fire
  26. G43 Automatic rifles – adv.
  27. Flamethrowers
  28. Mine team

463.120mm mortar teams

  1. Medics and casualties
  2. Higher command


German Zeltbahn

A camo poncho also formed a shelter. May be used as SS.

  1. Zeltbahn Rifles
  2. ZB SMG
  3. ZB Assault rifle
  4. ZB LMG
  5. ZB 81mm mortars
  6. ZB G43 Rifle
  7. ZB Panzerschrek
  8. ZB Anti-tank gun crew
  9. ZB Panzerfaust
  10. ZB Command
  11. ZB Grenadirs
  12. ZB MG42 tripod


German Cavalry

1 piece casting. Early/mid-war

  1. Carbines
  2. Officers
  3. NCO SMG
  4. MG34
  5. Horses(6) + horseholders(2)
  6. Pack horses (6)
  7. Cavalry HQ


Germans in greatcoats

  1. Greatcoat advancing
  2. G/coat LMG
  3. G/coat assault team
  4. Greatcoat firing
  5. Greatcoat assault rifle
  6. Greatcoat SMG
  7. Greatcoat 81mm mortars
  8. Greatcoat Panzerfauste
  9. Greatcoat Sentries
  10. Greatcoat officers
  11. Greatcoat MG 34
  12. Greatcoats MG42
  13. Greatcoat gun crew standing
  14. G/coat AT crew kneeling
  15. G/coat Panzerschrek

573.G/coat tripod MG34


German tanks

  1. Panzer IIF $13.20
  2. PanzerIII L $18.50
  3. PzIIb(Girder/rounded) $13.20
  4. PzIIc(big whl rounded) $13.20

43.PzIIB(Big whl/squared) $13.20

46.PzIIIe $13.20

91.PzIV F1/F2 $16.50

  1. PzIV F1/F2 (Battlehardened) $16.50

93.PzIV G $16.50

  1. PzIV G (Battlehardened) $16.50

95.PzIVH $16.50

  1. PzIVH (Battlehardened) $16.50

97.PzIV H Camo $16.50

98.PzIV J $16.50

99.PzIV J (Battlehardened) $16.50

  1. MAUS Tank $26.40
  2. Panther G $22.00

202 .Bergepanther $22.00

  1. Panther G Zimrt $22.00
  2. PantherG Schmalturm $22.00
  3. Jagd Panther $22.00
  4. Panther G Infra red $22.00
  5. Panther Turret emplaced $8.80
  6. Panther stowage
  7. Panther side armr (6 of )
  8. Kugelblitz AA $16.50
  9. Panhard +Germ50mm $16.50
  10. PzIII L+ stowage $18.50
  11. Destroyed PzIII $9.90
  12. Tiger1 $22.00
  13. Battle hard Tiger1 $22.00
  14. Zimmerit Tiger $22.00
  15. Camo Tiger1 $22.00
  16. Destroyd Tiger Resin. $9.90
  17. Stug G $22
  18. Stug 105mm $22
  19. Stug +Camo $22
  20. Stug + Zimmerit $22
  21. Stug+stowage $22
  22. Stug sideskirts (2 pairs)
  23. Stug/Pz3 stowage
  24. PzIIIL + skirts $18.50
  25. Destroyed kubel (pair) $9.90

527.JagdPzIV $19.80

  1. PzIV(early)destroyed resin $9.90
  2. PzIV destroyed resin $9.90
  3. JagdPzIV (Battlehardened) $22
  4. JagdPzIV (camo) $22


German vehicles

  1. Horch car, tilt up (resin) $13.20
  2. Kubelwagen + crew $13.20
  3. Horsch car $13.20
  4. Granit truck $13.20
  5. Metal GranitAmbulance/cmd $15.00
  6. Resin Version of 83 $13.20
  7. Kettengrad x1
  8. Steyr truck $15
  9. Schwimwagen
  10. 251 C Troop Carrier $18.50

315 .251C Flamethrower $18.50

  1. 251C Engineer $18.50
  2. 251C Mortar $18.50
  3. 251C 75mm $18.50
  4. 251C Camo $18.50
  5. 251C Rockets $18.50
  6. 251C Ammo/Ambulance $18.50
  7. Destroyed 251(resin) $9.90
  8. 251C Cmd +37mm $18.50
  9. as 323. +camo $18.50
  10. Kubelwagen canvas up $13.20
  11. Kubelwagen DAK $13.20
  12. Kubelwagen Camo $13.20
  13. Kubelwagen SS $13.20
  14. 2 dead kubelwages(resin) $9.90


German artillery

  1. 37mm A/T Gun
  2. 105 mm rcl gun+crew(FJ)

165A. PAK 40 Gun $14

165B. PAK 40 Gun in camo $14

  1. 75mm Inf Gun
  2. Nebelwerfer $14


WW2 Italian

  1. Rifles
  2. Platoon command
  3. LMGs
  4. HMG
  5. Dead
  6. Tank commanders
  7. Gun crew
  8. Mortars
  9. A/T rifle/flame
  10. A/T guns(2 of)
  11. Infantry greatcoat
  12. 45mm Mortars
  13. Bersaglieri Rifles
  14. Bersag LMG
  15. Bersag command
  16. Bersaglieri crew
  17. Rifles firing
  18. SMG’s
  19. NCO’s


Italian vehicles

  1. CV33 Tank
  2. Big Lancia truck $16.50

221.CV 3 Flame +trailer $8.80

  1. 47mm AT gun x2
  2. M13/40 tank $16.50
  3. M13/40 battlehardened $16.50
  4. M13/40 destroyed
  5. Semovente assault gun $16.50
  6. Semovente battlehardened $16.50
  7. Destroyed semovente $13.20





  1. Rifles firing
  2. SMGs
  3. Bar(LMG)
  4. Platoon command
  5. Bazooka teams
  6. Carbines
  7. 81mm mortars
  8. .50 Cal mgs +crew
  9. .50 cal HMG vehicle mounts(8)
  10. Seated
  11. Dead

141 .US gun crew standing

  1. Command
  2. 105mm shells+cases
  3. Tank commanders
  4. US .30 Cal teams

197 .30Cals on mounts

  1. Rifles advancing
  2. 60mm mortars
  3. US AT gun crew kneeling



  1. USMC firing
  2. USMC advancing
  4. USMC bazooka
  6. USMC 30Cal
  7. USMC 60mm mrtr
  8. USMC 81mm
  9. USMC Platoon Commanders
  10. USMC Company Commanders
  11. USMC flame
  12. USMC dead
  13. USMC snipers
  14. USMC bare chest
  15. USMC crew
  16. USMC carbines
  17. USMC shotguns
  18. Infantry Kneeling
  19. Engineers



  1. Para Rifle Adv
  2. Para Rifle Firing
  3. Para Platoon cmnd
  4. Para Coy Command
  5. Para SMG
  6. Para BAR
  7. Para bazooka
  8. Para 60mm mortars
  9. Para 81mm mortars
  10. Para dead
  11. Para carbines
  12. Para 30 Cal
  13. Para seated
  14. Para gun crew


US vehicles

  1. Sherman $18.50
  2. Jeep
  3. M3 1/2 track $18.50
  4. Jeep Normandy £2.60

231.Sherman M4+Applique $18.50

232.ShermanM4+stowage $18.50

  1. Sherman M4A3 75mm $18.50
  2. Sherman M4A3 76mm $18.50

235.Sherman $18.50

M4A3 76mm Sandbagged $18.50

  1. Sherman M4A3 E2 Jumbo $18.50
  2. Sherman stowage
  3. Priest 105mm $18.50
  4. M10 Tank destroyer $18.50
  5. Destroyed Sherman(resin) $9.90
  6. Sherman DD $18.50
  7. Sherman Calliope $18.50
  8. Sherman M4A3 HVSS $18.50
  9. Sherman Culin cutters(6 of)
  10. M8 armoured trailers(2 of)
  11. M3 1/2track 105mmgun $18.50
  12. Destroyed Jeep


US artillery

  1. 105mm howitzer $9.90
  2. 75mm Pack Howitzer
  3. 57mm AT gun $9.90


WW2 French

  1. Infantry firing
  2. LMGs
  3. Command
  4. Tank commanders
  5. Gun crew
  6. HMGs
  7. Mortars 81mm
  8. Dead
  9. Alpine inf
  10. Infantry adv
  11. Infantry NCO’s



  1. Male civilians
  2. Female civilians
  3. Bicycle/Barrow civilians
  4. Nuns
  5. Handcarts
  6. Refugees
  7. Dogs (random 3 types)


Motorised troops

  1. French motorised troops
  2. Rifles
  3. Officers
  4. LMG
  5. Dead
  6. 60mm mortar
  7. Gun crew
  8. HMG


French Resistance

  1. SMG’s
  2. PIAT and grenades
  3. Rifles firing
  4. Females
  5. Prone
  6. Pistols
  7. Explosives
  8. Dead


French artillery

  1. 75m solid wheel
  2. 25mm A/T Gun


French vehicles

  1. Char B1 $18.50

24 R35 tank $9.90

  1. Panhard A/C 178 $16.50
  2. Renault Truck $16.50
  3. S35 tank $18.50
  4. H39 Tank $9.90

154.Citroen car $9.90

  1. FT17 Oct turret+gun $13.20
  2. FT17 Oct+MG $13.20
  3. FT17 Rnd turret+Gun $13.20
  4. FT17 Rnd+MG $13.20


WW2 Russian

  1. HMGs
  2. Tank commanders
  3. Tank riders (4 groups)
  4. Cossack command
  5. Cossack Sabre
  6. Cossack Carbine
  7. Dismntd Cossacks
  8. G/coat rifle
  9. G/coat SMG
  10. G/coat LMG
  11. Greatcoat command
  12. Naval Inf SMG
  13. Greatcoat HMG
  14. Naval LMG
  15. Russian AA MG +crew (2 sets)
  16. Russian dancing group
  17. Urban sniper teams
  18. SMG adv under fire
  19. SMG quilted tops
  20. NCOs
  21. SMG kneeling
  22. Rifles advancing
  23. Rifles kneeling firing
  24. Rifles pausing
  25. SMG advancing
  26. AT crew
  27. Gun crew
  28. Surrendering
  29. SMG foxholes
  30. Rifles foxholes
  31. Standing firing
  32. AT rifles
  33. LMG advancing
  34. LMG kneeling
  35. LMGs prone
  36. Grenadiers
  37. Dead
  38. Officers in cap
  39. Cape +SMG
  40. Cape+rifle
  41. Observation team
  42. Dismount tank crew
  43. Panzerfauste
  44. Higher command
  45. Officers kneeling
  46. Medics
  47. armoured assault inf
  48. Assault dogs
  49. Flamethrowers
  50. 82mm mortars
  51. 120mm mortars
  52. 50mm mortars
  53. Commissars
  54. H to H troops
  55. SVT advancing
  56. SVT kneeling
  57. SMG pausing
  58. Having a break.


Russian artillery

  1. 76mm A/T gun
  2. 37mm AT gun



  1. Scouts adv SMG
  2. Scouts SMG kneeling
  3. Scouts pistol officers
  4. Scouts NCOs
  5. Scouts grenades
  6. Scouts peaked cap officers
  7. Scouts LMGs
  8. Scouts dead
  9. Scouts rifles advancing
  10. Scouts prone+ SMG
  11. Scouts prone LMG
  12. Scouts with 50mm mortar
  13. Communications
  14. AT rifles
  15. Pack horses
  16. Female snipers


Russian vehicles

  1. T26 $13.20
  2. Gaz 4 wheel truck $16.50
  3. Gaz 6 wheel truck $16.50
  4. T34/76mm $16.50
  5. T34 Stowage
  6. T34 /76 hard edge $16.50
  7. SU122 assault gun $16.50
  8. T34/85 $16.50
  9. SU 100 $16.50
  10. Tchanka reg $13.20
  11. Cossack Tchanka $13.20

312.T34/85 destroyed(late) $13.20

  1. T34 destroyed (early) $13.20

576.T34 destroyed (mid) $13.20

  1. Destroyed gaz trucks $13.20
  2. Gaz AA truck $16.50


WW2 Dutch

  1. Rifle advancing
  2. LMG
  3. HMG
  4. Gun crew
  5. Rifles firing
  6. Officers
  7. SMG/AT rifles
  8. Medium mortarsPage 14
  9. Dead


WW2 Japanese

  1. Rifle helmet
  2. Rifle cap
  3. Command cap
  4. LMG
  5. HMG
  6. Dead
  7. 81mm mortars
  8. Knee Mortars
  9. Weapon crew
  10. Rifle/backpacks

272 . Rifle/loincloth

  1. Naval troops
  2. Tank commanders
  3. Engineers
  4. AT rifles
  5. Command in helmet
  6. Snipers
  7. Rifle/Pushing bike
  8. 70mm Infantry gun (2 of)

(For AT gun use German 37mm…they had loads of them!!!)


Japanese vehicles

  1. Jap.type 97 tankette $13.20
  2. Destroyed Jap tankette $13.20


PBI Markers

  1. PBI Mixed markers
  2. PBI Pinned markers
  3. PBI Mine markers
  4. PBI Immobilised markers
  5. PBI Track off markers
  6. PBI Hit markers
  7. Generic WW dead


Range 9.

Dark Ages

Levy=no armour


Armoured=chainmail + sword


  1. Levy spears vertical
  2. Levy spearmen; spears up
  3. Throwing Spears
  4. Unarmoured spear horizontal
  5. Unarmoured spear up
  6. Unarmoured with hand axe
  7. Armoured spear up
  8. Armoured spear down
  9. Female Vikings
  10. Berserkers
  11. Archers
  12. Monks
  13. Armoured axemen
  14. High value plunder
  15. Generals and heroes
  16. Leaders with swords
  17. Standard bearers
  18. Mounted Vikings
  19. A bit dead
  20. Really dead
  21. Very very dead
  22. Female captives
  23. Male captives
  24. Child captives
  25. Captors
  26. Javelin skirmishers
  27. Carrying loot
  28. Markers 1(shieldwall and prowess)
  29. Celtic crosses for search markers

(pack of 8)

  1. Stone markers. Cairns and Stones. (Mark hard scenery) 3 pieces in resin
  2. 1/600 Viking ships (x3)
  3. Six inch Viking ship. Mast up and decks bare.

Includes steersman mast pieces and figurehead $25

  1. Six inch Viking ship. Mast down and rowers moulded in. Includes steersman, mast stub and figurehead. Also includes 16 separate heads to use with the 14 headless rowers. $25
  2. Saxon armoured axemen
  3. Saxon command
  4. Saxon armoured spearmen
  5. Saxon armoured swordsmen
  6. Saxon unarmoured spearmen
  7. Saxon champions
  8. Saxon generals and heroes
  9. Saxon peasants



  1. Spearmen armoured
  2. Spearmen unarmoured
  3. Spear Command
  4. Swordsmen
  5. Skirmisher Bowmen
  6. Skirmisher Javelinmen
  7. Skirmisher Command
  8. Generals
  9. Armoured Cavalry
  10. Unarmoured Cavalry
  11. Cavalry Command
  12. Skirmisher Cavalry (javelins)
  13. Skirmisher Cavalry Command
  14. Guard Cavalry (with cloaks)
  15. King Charlemagne + Standard Bearer $5
  16. Dead


Range 21 Scenery for Dark ages

  1. Poor house (triangle) 3of $24
  2. Garrison building (planked) $16.50
  3. Barn with double doors $16.50
  4. Small hall $16.50
  5. Extension store
  6. Saxon church $19.80
  7. Standing stones x3



  1. Unarmed pirates
  2. Armed Pirates Cutlasses
  3. Pirates with Muskets
  4. Pirate Gun crew
  5. Pirate Officers (rebuilt)
  6. Guns(4) Medium
  7. Pirates with swivel guns
  8. Resin Barrel Pile $9.90
  9. Resin large rowing boat $9.90
  10. Rowing boat crew
  11. Government musket troops
  12. Government Officers.
  13. Governor, Priest and bodyguards.
  14. Pirate band.
  15. Natives with spears.
  16. Native command.
  17. Dead Pirates.
  18. Pirate Characters.
  19. Women.
  20. Corsair Command.
  21. Corsair armed.
  22. Corsair gun crew.
  23. Corsair muskets.
  24. Pirates swimming + sharks
  25. Native rowers (use SDD Canoe)
  26. Government Gun Crew.
  27. Armed Mob.
  28. Pirates with pistols.
  29. Mob with machetes

can be used for AK47 militia too!!

  1. Light guns (6).
  2. Female Pirate Officers
  3. Seated troops (tricorn) for large row boats (4 strips of 3).
  4. Dockside characters
  5. Hostages
  6. Plunderers



Mexican Revolution

  1. Govt kepi advancing
  2. Govt kepi firing
  3. Govt kepi command
  4. Govt MG teams(x2)

5.. Govt kepi wounded

  1. Govt cap gun crew
  2. Govt gun crew helmet
  3. Govt officers cap
  4. Govt cap firing
  5. Govt cap advancing
  6. Govt cap charging
  7. Govt Higher command
  8. Govt cap NCOs

14.Govt Pith advancing

  1. Govt Pith Command

16.Govt Cav cap troopers

17.Govt cav cap command

18.Govt. MG Pith helmet

  1. Govt cap dead
  2. Sombrero rifle advancing
  3. Sombrero Winchester adv
  4. Sombrero Winchester charge
  5. Sombrero rifle kneeling fire
  6. Sombrero kneel pause


  1. Sombrero officers
  2. Sombrero gun crew
  3. Sombrero higher command
  4. Sombrero standards/buglers
  5. Sombrero cav firing
  6. Sombrero cav galloping
  7. sombrero cav standard/bugler
  8. Sombrero cav pistols
  9. Sombrero Winch. firing
  10. Sombrero bombers
  11. Sombrero MG teams
  12. Sombrero dead

37.Sombrero mounted bomber

38.Sombrero women+rifles

  1. Sombrero women +baggage





  1. Indians with bows
  2. Indians with rifles

46.Indian command




  1. Cowboy hat advancing
  2. Cowboy hat kneeling firing
  3. Cowboy hat standing firing
  4. Cowboy hat gun crew
  5. Cowboy hat NCOs
  6. Cowboy hat officers
  7. Cowboy hat standard/bugler
  8. Cowboy hat MGs
  9. Coiwboy hat cavalry pistol
  10. Cowboy hat cavalry rifle
  11. Dodge car driver only


  1. Dodge Mexicansx4
  2. Dodge US x4
  3. Dodge supplies
  4. Dodge pick up





  1. Cowboy hat cavalry comnd
  2. Govt 2nd half advancing
  3. Govt 2nd half stand firing
  4. Govt 2nd half Hi porte
  5. Govt 2nd half officers







  1. US foot officers
  2. US MG teams
  3. US Inf advancing
  4. US Inf kneeling
  5. US Inf light kit
  6. US Inf tatty
  7. US gun crew
  8. US higher command
  9. US dead
  10. US cav pistol
  11. US cav rifle
  12. US cav command
  13. US foot cav adv.
  14. US foot cav kneeling
  15. IS foot cav command
  16. US cab empty horses
  17. US prone + LMG
  18. Mondragon 75mm gun
  19. Stretcher parties
  20. Film crew
  21. BUILDING bakery $16.50
  22. BUILDINGbrick works $18
  23. BUILDING Row $16.50
  24. BUILDING scrub $16.50
  25. BUILDING Big house $24
  26. BUILDING Posh front $16.50
  27. BUILDING Church $21



Spanish Civil War

  1. Republican inf/pasamontana
  2. Republican inf adv/beret
  3. Moroccan Inf turban
  4. Republican inf Czech helmet
  5. Republican Inf helmet
  6. Republican officers in hat
  7. Republican standard bearers and buglers
  8. International brigade beret
  9. LMG Troops republican
  10. Militia in isobelino firing
  11. Maxim HMG teams
  12. Gun crew in French helmet
  13. Generals on foot
  14. French 75mm gun
  15. Assault Guard standing
  16. Assault Guard advancing
  17. Assault Guard command
  18. Cavalry in cap
  19. Cavalry in helmet
  20. Cavalry command in cap
  21. Civil guard
  22. Civil guard command
  24. Moroccan command
  25. T26 tank £5
  26. CV33 tank
  27. Moroccan HMGs
  28. Beret command
  29. Beret gun crew
  30. Mounted officers
  31. International brigade pasamontana
  32. LMGs beret
  33. Inf in French helmet
  34. Spanish Foreign Legion
  35. Nationalist inf adv
  36. Nationalist inf charging
  37. Nationalist inf firing
  38. Nationalist inf kneel/firing
  39. Nationalist infantry HMGs
  40. Nationalist gun crew
  41. Nationalist LMGs
  42. Nationalist NCOs
  43. Nationalist officers
  44. Nationalist flags/ buglers
  45. Nationalist inf/helmet
  46. Dead nationalists
  47. Inf in shirtsleeve adv
  48. Carlist advancing
  49. Carlist firing
  50. Carlist command
  51. Carlist LMG
  52. Militia advancing isobelino
  53. Militia adv flat cap
  54. Dead militia
  55. Republican kneeling
  56. Republican NCOs
  57. AT gun crew isobelino
  58. Female militia overalls
  59. Female militia civilian
  60. Nationalist tank commanders
  61. Republican tank commanders

62 International brigade in Adrian

  1. International brigade with Chauchat LMG
  2. International brigade HMGs
  3. Non-combatants
  4. Militia command
  5. Mortars (2)
  6. Bomb slingers
  7. Moroccan bombers
  8. Nationalist bombers
  9. Militia bombers



  1. Armoured Naval bus $18
  2. Hispano 36 armoured car $16.50
  3. Constructora armoured truck $18
  4. Factory armoured truck $16.50
  5. MTM 1 armoured truck $16.50

75, Franklin saloon car $13.20

  1. REO speed wagon pickup $13.20
  2. Franklin car with extra luggage $13.20




“Hey You in The Jail” $26

Packs marked with “c” are character packs. They (c packs) cost $5 and contain the same character in mounted, foot and dead poses.



  1. Gunmen/rifles
  2. Gunmen pistols
  3. Dead gunmen
  4. Posse rifles
  5. Posse pistols
  6. Townsmen unarmed
  7. Townswomen
  8. Townsmen armed
  9. Pinned/home markers
  10. Mnd gunmen rifle
  11. Mntd gunmen pistols
  12. Mntd posse rifles
  13. Mntd posse pistols
  14. Judge Haime(c)
  15. Marshall Heals(c)
  16. Bad Bob(c)
  17. Agent Barber(Pinkerton)c
  18. Sherrif G (c)
  19. Dead townsfolk
  20. Town drunks
  21. Lawmen with s/off shotgun
  22. Children
  23. Kid Craig(c)
  24. Flint(c)
  25. Montana Huber(c)
  26. Smilin’ Solie(c)
  27. Female Gunfighters
  28. One armed bandits
  29. Wounded cowboys
  30. Eagles (6 of)
  31. Gunfighter empty horse (6) + holders



  1. Dead Indians
  2. Indians foot rifles
  3. Indians foot bows
  4. Indians foot H to H
  5. Chief” Wakes children”(c)
  6. Indian women foot
  7. Indian Mntd bows
  8. Indian Mntd Rifles
  9. Indian Mntd Lance
  10. Indian Mntd Musket
  11. Indian Buffalo Bonnet Mtd
  12. Buffalo (6)
  13. Broken Fox(c) Indian

101 Plains Indian empty horses +holders

102 Apache Indian empty horses +holders

  1. Wounded plains Indians



  1. Mexicans/Pistols/Foot
  2. Mexicans/rifles/foot
  3. Mexican peasants armed
  4. Mex Women armed
  5. Mex/pistol/mounted
  6. Mex/rifle/mounted
  7. Mex (c) Big Pedro
  8. Mex, Dynamite
  9. Mex Dead
  10. Priest + Donkey
  11. Wounded Mexicans
  12. Mexican leaders
  13. Mexican empty horses


US Cavalry

  1. US Cavalry Carbines
  2. US Cavalry Pistols
  3. US Cavalry Command
  4. US Cav Foot Carbine
  5. US Cav Foot Pistol
  6. US Cav Foot Command
  7. US Cav Dead
  8. Major Rob(c)
  9. Sergeant Rooney(c)
  10. Crow Scouts Mounted
  11. Crow Scouts Foot
  12. Supply Wagon $14
  13. Wounded cavalry



  1. Train crew
  2. Engine and tender $30
  3. Box Car $16.50
  4. Flat Car $13.20
  5. Caboose $16.50
  6. Passenger car $16.50



  1. Hanging tree
  2. Henry T Bossman(c)
  3. Buffalo Bruce(c)
  4. Old Gabby(Mark)(c)
  5. Mongo Larry(c)
  6. Cattlemen/foot/pistols
  7. Cattlemen/fot/rifles
  8. Cattlemen/mntd/pistols
  9. Cattlemen/mntd/rifles
  10. Destroyed Wagon
  11. Chuck Wagon $13.20
  12. Settlers Wagon $13.20
  13. Longhorn cattle (5)


Markers etc

  1. Eagles (6)




Square Bashing Rules $35

Square Bashing Army Book $35



Bold=new sculpts Cossacks are in Range 8 WW2.

  1. Greatcoats advancing
  2. Greatcoat command
  3. Infantry advancing
  4. Gun crew
  5. Cavalry command
  6. Cavalry carbine
  7. Cavalry lancer
  8. Higher command
  9. Dead

47.76mm Putilov x1

  1. Inf standing firing
  2. HMG’s
  3. Infantry/ no rifles
  4. Red Guard(R/W)
  5. Cheka (R)
  6. Red Guard HMGs(R/W)
  7. Infantry peakless hat (R/W)
  8. Naval infantry(R/W)
  9. Navy gun crew(R/W)
  10. Naval HMGs(R/W
  11. Infantry greatcoat(R/W)
  12. Priests and nurses
  13. Austin Putilov A/C $13.20
  14. Infantry kneeling
  15. Command advancing
  16. Command standing
  17. Infantry charging
  18. Red army infantry
  19. Red army gun crew
  20. Red army HMGs
  21. Tchanka (crew peaked hat) $13.20
  22. Officers coach $13.20
  23. Dismounted Cossacks
  24. Staff car $13.20
  25. Inf in Ger helmet
  26. Tatty Partisans
  27. Czech Legion Inf
  28. Women’s death battalion
  29. Red Cavalry sabre
  30. Red Cav command
  31. Red Cav carbine
  32. Red army inf greatcoats
  33. Inf greatcoat/furry hat
  34. Officer battalion
  35. RCW standard bearers

131.4 Horse Limber $13.20



  1. Cossack tchanka $13.20
  2. Cavalry with sword
  3. Cavalry with carbine
  4. Cavalry with lance
  5. Cavalry command
  6. empty horses (6) and holders (2)
  7. Mounted higher command
  8. Foot cavalry advancing
  9. Foot cavalry kneeling
  10. Foot cavalry command
  12. MMGs 2 teams
  13. Rifle infantry
  14. Gun crew



  1. Armoured engine/ tender $36

60.2 Turret and carriage $18

  1. Sided flat car $16.50

We can swap turrets for T34’s on request. You will need to re drill holes.



  1. Infantry firing
  2. Cavalry
  3. Higher command
  4. Gun crew
  5. Dead

11.18pdr gun x1

  1. HMGs
  2. Scottish infantry
  3. Naval infantry
  4. Dismounted cav
  5. MK IV tank, male $19.80
  6. MK IV tank female $19.80
  7. Inf charging
  8. Infantry (guards/16mm)
  9. Cavalry lancers
  10. Cavalry command
  11. Indian infantry (turban)
  12. Helmet advancing
  13. Helmet firing
  14. Helmet gasmasks
  15. Helmet jerkins
  16. Helmet gun crew
  17. Helmet Lewis LMG
  18. Helmet HMG Vickers
  19. Helmet dead
  20. Football/rugby/cricket players
  21. Stretcher bearers
  22. Picket boat (resin) 6.5” $25
  23. British LW grenade launchers
  24. Stretcher bearers
  25. Trench Raiders
  26. Lancaster Armoured car $13.20



  1. Dismtd. Kneeling cyclists
  2. Inf. kneeling firing
  3. Minerva A/C $16.50
  4. Dog Carts/MG (2)
  5. HMGs Hotchkiss
  6. Carabinier Infantry
  7. Inf. standing firing
  8. Inf. advancing
  9. Guide cavalry
  10. Infantry officers
  11. Guide cavalry command
  12. Gun Crew
  13. NCO’s
  14. Grenadiers(Elite)
  15. 1905 Krupp Gun x1
  16. Dead
  17. Higher command
  18. Bicycle troops
  19. Browning HMG



  1. 77mm gun x1
  2. Higher command
  3. Dismounted cav
  4. Jaegers
  5. Cavalry (picklehaube)
  6. 1915 stormtroopers
  7. Stormtropers +grenades
  8. Str+SMG
  9. Str+ gasmasks
  10. Str dead
  11. Str+flamethrowers

103.Gun crew

  1. Stormtrooper gun
  2. 75mm Minewerfer (6 of)
  3. Helmet LMG
  4. Helmet HMG
  5. Reinforcements
  6. Inf Firing helmet
  7. Ger LW Inf charghelmet
  8. 105mm howitzer x1
  9. Stretcher bearers
  10. Freikorps/late war infantry
  11. EW HMGs (3 of)
  12. EW firing
  13. EW advancing
  14. EW charging
  15. EW command advancing
  16. EW gun crew
  17. EW dead
  18. EW standing casualties
  19. EW jaegers adv
  20. EW jaeger officers
  21. EW Jaeger HMGs

201 EW Jaeger firing

  1. EW HQ staff
  2. EW cavalry with lance
  3. EW cavalry command
  4. Uhlans dismounted
  5. Uhlan dsmted command
  6. Uhlans
  7. Uhlan command
  8. Uhlan empty horses




  1. EW inf adv
  2. EW inf firing
  3. EW inf command
  4. EW Gun crew
  5. EW Dragoons

165 EW Dismounted dragoons

  1. EW Dead
  2. EW HMGs
  3. EW Higher command
  4. 75mm gun x1 £3
  5. EW Alpine infantry
  6. EW Zouaves
  7. EW Zouave command

173 LW Bayonet ADV

  1. LW Charging bayonet
  2. LW NCOs
  3. LW standing firing
  4. LW HMGs
  5. LW Grenade launchers
  6. LW advancing(no bayonet)
  7. LW Assault rifles

181.LW LMGs

  1. LW Officers
  2. LW kneeling
  3. LW Assault LMG
  4. LW gun crew
  5. LW ragged veterans
  6. LW dead
  7. LW trench gun x2
  8. LW advancing, gasmasks
  9. LW flamethrower teams
  10. LW surrendering
  11. LW trench raiders
  12. FT17 Oct turret + gun $16.50
  13. FT17 Oct turret +MG $16.50
  14. FT17 Round t+gun $16.50
  15. FT17 Round t +MG $16.50



in cap with backpack

  1. Inf. advancing / greatcoat
  2. Inf advancing
  3. Inf. firing
  4. Inf. kneeling/ wait to attack
  5. Gun crew
  6. Higher command
  7. Dead
  8. HMG

143.80 mm Field Gun x1

  1. Dragoons
  2. Dragoon command



  1. Infantry
  2. Gun crew
  3. Lancers
  4. HMGs
  5. Cavalry command
  6. Higher command
  7. Dead


Polish 1920

  1. Polish inf advancing
  2. Polish inf firing
  3. Polish officers
  4. Polish MGs
  5. Polish Gun crew
  6. Polish inf hi porte
  7. Polish Higher command
  8. Polish Lancers
  9. Polish Lancer command



  1. Rifle firing
  2. HMG scwarloze
  3. Advancing
  4. Charging
  5. Gun crew
  6. Dead
  7. Officers
  8. Higher command
  9. Boys
  10. Cavalry command
  11. Cavalry
  12. Bombers


Serbian WW1

  1. Regular infantry advancing
  2. Regular infantry charging
  3. Regular infantry kneeling
  4. Regular infantry firing
  5. Regular infantry officers
  6. Reservist inf woolly hat
  7. Reservist infantry in cap
  8. Reservist infantry officers
  9. Regular inf greatcoat
  10. Casualties
  11. Higher command
  12. Machine gun(2 teams)
  13. Gun crew
  14. 75mm Field gun(x1)
  15. Cavalry troopers
  16. Cavalry command
  17. Dismounted cav
  18. Dismounted cav command
  19. Armed women militia


Scenery from Range21:

WW1/WW2 Russia

  1. Russian timber church $18.00
  2. Russian station $15.00
  3. Russian peasant house $16.50
  4. Russian peasant barn $16.50
  5. Russian outbuildings $13.20
  6. Fort turret large $9.90
  7. Fort turret small
  8. Set of 3 peasant haystacks
  9. Pair of peasant wells
  10. Log pile $13.20
  11. Destroyed house $16.50



  1. Damaged building $16.50
  2. Log defences $16.50
  3. Hut $9.90



  1. Oxen (6)
  2. Pigs (8)
  3. Sheep (8)
  4. Dead cows (6 of)
  5. Chicken groups (8 of)



AK 47

  1. Bodyguards with beret/AK
  2. R/P Crew in caps
  3. R/P Dead figures
  4. R/P Vehicle crew
  5. R /P G3 /SLRs Cap
  6. R /P Crew Cap
  7. P/R/M Mortars+Ammo
  8. R/P Beret AK47



  1. R AK47 Cap
  2. R RPG
  3. R LMG
  4. R officers(cap)
  5. R Seated
  6. R officers(beret)
  7. R G3/SLR Beret
  8. R LMG Beret
  9. Beret seated
  10. R Helmet RPGs



  1. Professionals standing
  2. Professionals advancing
  3. Professionals kneeling
  4. Professionals officers
  5. Professionals LMGs
  6. Professionals HMGs
  7. Professionals mortars
  8. Professionals dead
  9. Professionals LAWs
  10. Professionals lying
  11. Professionals generic crew
  12. Prof cavalry
  13. Prof seated
  14. Prof special forces
  15. Profs in shorts



  1. M AK47 firing
  2. M Bolt action Rifles
  3. M Crew
  4. M Command
  5. M RPG
  6. M ammo carriers
  7. M LMGs
  8. M Dead
  9. M RPGs
  10. M naked
  11. M advancing
  12. M kneeling



  1. AK47 advancing
  2. AK47 firing
  3. LMG
  4. RPG
  5. Mortars + crew
  6. Command
  7. Dead
  8. Ammo carriers
  9. HMG’s + crew
  10. Female militia
  11. Generic HM crew pack
  12. Helmet AK47
  13. Helmet LMG
  14. Helmet crew
  15. Helmet command
  16. Helmet seated
  17. Helmet dead



  1. Crocodiles
  2. Civilians
  3. TV/Media crew
  4. Arms dealer + henchmen
  5. R/M Boy soldiers
  6. Colonel Blanc(c)
  7. Dictator(c) $5
  8. Religious Leader(c) $5
  9. Popular Leader(c) $5
  10. Looters tyre/TV/chainsaw



  1. IDF Galil.
  2. IDF Galil running
  3. IDF LMG
  4. IDF RPG
  5. IDF Dead
  6. IDF Command
  7. IDF Radios
  8. IDF Seated
  9. IDF M16
  10. IDF Snipers
  11. IDF Crew
  12. IDF vehicle crew
  13. IDF AK47



  1. Arab/PLO M AK47
  2. Arab/PLO M LMG
  3. Arab/PLO M RPG
  4. Arab/PLO M command
  5. Arab/PLO M crew
  6. Arab/PLO M snipers



  1. FFL with rifles
  2. FFL snipers
  3. FFL command
  4. FFL dead
  5. FFL crew
  6. FFL beret
  7. FFL LMG



  1. HMGs (DHSK)(3)
  2. Recoilless Rifles 106mm
  3. .30 Cal MGs on mounts (8 of)
  4. Seated drivers
  5. Beret Crew
  6. ZPU 4 barrel AA $9.90
  7. ZPU 1 barrelled AA
  8. AA crew
  9. MG+gunners (6 of)
  10. 75 mm Recoilless rifles (6)
  11. Mortars (6)
  12. Man portable AA(grail)
  13. 50cals on tripods (6 of)



  1. T55 MBT $19.80
  2. Unimog Truck $15.00

23 Toyota Pickup $9.90

32.90mm Panhard A/C $13.20

  1. Panhard MG/mortar $13.20
  2. Destroyed Mercedes $9.90
  3. Landrover $13.20
  4. Mercedes saloon $13.20
  5. GAZ 469 jeep $13.20
  6. Bulldog mine vehicle $16.50
  7. Destroyed T55 $13.20
  8. BTR 152 $20.00
  9. Ural 4.5 Tonne Truck $24.00

97 Centurion 5(105mm) $24.00

98 Centurion with skirts $24.00

  1. Cent SHOT(IDF) +skrt $24.00

102 Centuri Shot no skt $24.00

  1. Nagma Shot Eng aslt $24.00
  2. M113 Zelda/Toga $16.50
  3. Toyota high suspen $9.90

113 M113 Zelda no toga $15.00

114 .M113 Zelda Command $15.00

  1. M577 Command $15.00

116 .M163 Vulcan $15.00


Humvees – USMC versions have deep wading exhaust and air intake. Weapon mounts can be interchanged. Packs of different weapon mounts to be conomical.

These are all early versions with cross panel doors.

  1. USMC TOW $15.00
  2. USMC HMG $15.00
  3. USMC Gren.launcher $15.00
  4. USMC LMG $15.00
  5. Army TOW $15.00
  6. Army HMG $15.00
  7. Army Grenade launcher $15.00
  8. Army LMG $15.00
  9. Destroyed (resin) $9.90
  10. Tow weapon mounts x4
  11. HMG weapon mounts x4
  12. Grenade launcher mounts x4
  13. LMG weapon mounts x4



  1. USMC M16 advancing
  2. USMC M16 firing
  3. USMC M16 kneeling
  4. USMC M203grendier firing
  5. USMC M203Grdr Signalling
  6. USMC SAW gun firing
  7. USMC Saw advancing
  8. USMC AT4
  9. USMC command
  10. USMC dead
  11. USMC M240 MG teams
  12. USMC US M16 Prone
  13. USMC 50 cal teams
  14. USMC snipers
  15. USMC Squad leaders
  16. EOD teams
  17. USMC medics



AK47 Markers

  1. Essential AK markers $19.80
  2. Not so essential markers



1/450th 17thC Naval

  1. Light Guns (8 plus hatches)
  2. Medium guns (8)
  3. Heavy guns (8)
  4. Deck crew (8)
  5. Rowing boats and survivors
  6. Small ship Sloop $13.20
  7. Small Ship Schooner $13.20
  8. Medium warship brigantine $15.00
  9. Large warship Square rigger $16.50
  10. Small merchant square rigger $15.00
  11. Medium merchant Flute $15.00
  12. Large Merchant square rigger (resin Hull) $19.80
  13. Battle clock $3.30
  14. Loot Coins(1s,3s,8s) 8,4,4 of in pewter $16.50
  15. Ships Boats crewless
  16. Sail markers for POE (x6)
  17. Broadside Markers (x8) $13.20
  18. Weather Guage $10



Fantasy Hordes of the Things

  1. Giant(40mm) Bearman
  2. Dogs and Wizard
  3. Swordsmen
  4. Eagle + rider $13.20
  5. Hero/eagle $13.20
  6. Wolves


  1. Eastern Chainmail sword
  2. Eastern Chainmail command


  1. Elv chainmail command
  2. Elv chainmail archers
  3. Elv chainmail Spears
  4. Elv Dead
  5. Elv Light spearmen
  6. Elv Light archrers
  7. Elv mounted Lancers
  8. Elv cavalry female
  9. Elv Mounted cmnd
  10. Elv magicians
  11. Elv Generals
  12. Trolls (4 of)


  1. Red Alien Flyer
  2. RA Airboat $9.90
  3. RA Swords
  4. RA Pistols
  5. RA Hero + Princess $4.00
  6. Large Green Aliens (LGA) 4 arms + laser guns x3
  7. Large Ray Gun + crew figure
  8. LGA Mounted 8 legged x3 $13.20
  9. LGA Mounted General


  1. Arab Swordsmen
  2. Arab Bowmen
  3. Arab magic carpets x3
  4. Clerics + Thieves
  5. Vizier + Eunuchs
  6. Arab Cavalry
  7. Arab Cavalry Command


  1. Dwarf Crossbows
  2. Dwarf Command
  3. Dwarf Spears/pole arms
  4. Dwarf Axes/hammers
  5. Dwarf Bolt shooter
  6. Dwarf Artillery Crew
  7. Dwarf musketeers


  1. Chaos riders
  2. Chaos King +Horde Masters
  3. Orc Foot Command
  4. Orc Swords
  5. Orc Spears


  1. Giant snail and rider
  2. Gnomes with Fishing Rods
  3. Gnomes throwing rocks
  4. Gnome Command
  5. Gnome Dead
  6. Gnome Magician +camp


  1. Arthurian Knights +Lances
  2. Arthurian Knights +Hand weapons
  3. Arthurian Leaders
  4. Armoured Foot Troops
  5. Wizard and lightning bolt



ECW “Regiment Foote”

  1. Light gun(2)
  2. Medium gun
  3. Heavy gun $9.90
  4. Gun crew loading
  5. Gun crew firing
  6. Empty horses + holders


  1. Pikes vertical cast on pikes
  2. Pikes vertical open hand
  3. Pikes horizontal cast on pikes
  4. Pikes horizontal open hand
  5. Pikes 45° cast on pike
  6. Pikes 45° open hand
  7. Foot command standing
  8. Foot command advancing
  9. Halberdiers
  10. Wounded foot
  11. Dead foot
  12. Dismounted dragoons
  13. Cav+ pistol+helmet
  14. Cav + sword+ helmet
  15. Cav+pistol+Hat
  16. Cav+sword +hat
  17. Cavalry Cmd+hat
  18. Cavalry Cmd+helmet
  19. Wounded cavalry
  20. Mounted generals(3)
  21. Cuirassiers
  22. Cuirassier command
  23. Lowland Muskets
  24. Lowland Pikes
  25. Lowland Comd
  26. Highland sword
  27. H’land lochabre Ax
  28. H’land command
  29. H’land wounded/dead
  30. Scots lancers
  31. Scots Gens
  32. Frame guns (light x6)
  33. Mounted trumpeters
  34. Very light guns (2)
  35. Mounted dragoons (hat)
  36. Scots gun crew
  37. Irish muskets
  38. Irish pike
  39. Irish command
  40. Irish pike (open hand)
  41. Armed peasants
  42. Scarecrow and peasants
  43. Breach parties
  44. Irish pike vertical
  45. Sprinkles(stocks/drunk/sign)
  46. Royalist game markers
  47. Parliament game markers
  48. Scots game markers
  49. Generals gift markers(9)
  50. Muskets rest + hat
  51. Muskets rest +cap
  52. Muskets advancing
  53. Muskets loading
  54. Muskets fighting
  55. Muskets hat
  56. Muskets cap
  57. Muskets marching
  58. Muskets standing
  59. Plague physicians
  60. Dragoons on foot
  61. Dragoon foot command
  62. Dragoon mounted +flag
  63. Dragoon mounted +drum
  64. Dragoon foot hurrying
  65. Cuirassier mounted +sash
  66. Cuirassier mounted command + sash
  67. Highlander muskets



Terrain, Buildings and accessories


  1. Small 2 storey house $13.20
  2. Small barn $13.20
  3. Small Stone bridge



3 German house (square )

  1. German house (rectangle)


Dark Ages

  1. Poor house 3of $19.80
  2. Garrison building ` $16.50
  3. Barn $16.50
  4. Small hall $16.50
  5. Extension store
  6. Saxon church $19.80
  7. Standing stones x3



  1. Samurai house poor $19.80
  2. Samurai house not poor. $19.80



  1. Outhouses (x2)
  2. Jail $13.20
  3. Store1 $13.20
  4. Store2 $13.20
  5. Saloon $22.00
  6. Livery stable $19.80
  7. Add on outbuilding
  8. Wood cabin $13.20
  9. Roof and sidewalk
  10. Water tower $19.80 30. Station $19.80
  11. Fences (6 x 5cm) $16.50
  12. Cactii (6off)
  13. Indian Tepee
  14. Western signs
  15. Grave stones/crosses
  16. Troughs and tie rails
  17. ACW small farmhouse $16.50
  18. ACW Church $19.80
  19. ACW large farmhouse $26.40
  20. ACW outbuildings
  21. Tents (objective marker)



  1. Desert house #1 (Squ) $16.50
  2. Desert house #2(Rec) $16.50
  3. Rocky outcrop $16.50

63.2xdepression sides $16.50

64.2x part Outcrops $16.50


WW2 Far East

  1. Jap.Bunker Art/tank
  2. Jap.Bunker MG

69.Jungle building(long) $20.00

  1. Jungle building (taller) $20.00


Modern Africa

  1. African Building Square $16.50
  2. African building $16.50

10.Round Hut $13.20


WW1/WW2 Russia

  1. Russian timber church $18.00
  2. Russian station $15.00
  3. Russian peasant house $16.50
  4. Russian peasant barn $16.50
  5. Russian outbuildings $13.20
  6. Fort turret large $9.90
  7. Fort turret small
  8. Set of 3 peasant haystacks
  9. Pair of peasant wells
  10. Log pile $13.20
  11. Destroyed house $16.50



  1. Oxen (6)
  2. Pigs (8)
  3. Sheep (8)
  4. Dead cows (6 of)
  5. Chicken groups (8 of)
  6. Dogs( pack 2)
  7. Dogs (pack 1)


Battlefield stuff

Range 8.526 Dogs (8)

  1. Bicycles (6)
  2. Tree stumps etc (7 items)
  3. HQ stuff
  4. Checkpoint set. Sentry box,

barrier, brazier, sandbags $13.20

  1. Ladders


WW1/WW2 Europe

  1. Fort turret large $9.90
  2. Fort turret small
  3. Telegraph poles (Euro)x10 $26.40
  4. Pair of Normandy houses $30.00
  5. Normandy Shop $30.00
  6. Pair Normandy workshops $30.00
  7. Normandy café $30.00
  8. Normandy farmhouse $30.00
  9. Normandy barn $30.00
  10. Coffins
  11. Barrels

52 .Petrol station pieces

  1. Furniture (piano, bed etc)
  2. Normandy street signs
  3. Normandy high walls 20” $19.80
  4. Gates (x4 in metal)
  5. War Memorial3
  6. Normandy church $40
  7. Dead horses (6)
  8. Pissoir (urinal)
  9. Checkpoint set


Europe General

  1. Walls – pack of 8 $25
  2. Hedges – pack of 8 $25
  3. Rough ground markers (6) $13.20
  4. Two span bridge $30
  5. PBI objectives (3) $30
  6. chimneys (brick)
  7. Chimneys Spain


General Items

  1. Barricades- urban(x4) $20.00
  2. Barricades-log (x4) $20.00



Use jungle buildings from WW2

  1. Long Hut $13.20
  2. Square Hut $13.20
  3. School house $16.50
  4. Loggers house $16.50
  5. Trench 6″
  6. Watch tower $16.50
  7. Bunker
  8. Trench corner section



Horse and Musket

  1. Pile of barrels $13.20
  2. Long boat, metal tiller $13.20
  3. Gabions 4″ $9.90
  4. Gabion emplacement $9.90



  1. Damaged building $16.50
  2. Log defences $16.50
  3. Hut



Patrols In The Sudan

D = Dervish

F = Fuzzy Wuzzy

B = British



  1. D Turban
  2. D Skull cap
  3. D bareheaded
  4. D rifles5.D heroes
  5. D Command
  6. D wounded
  7. D dead
  8. D gun crew
  9. D mtd cmd
  10. D mtd spear
  11. D mtd sword
  12. D camel spear turban
  13. D camel spear cap
  14. D camel cmd
  15. FW swords
  16. FW spear
  17. FW rifles
  18. FW cmd
  19. FW wounded
  20. FW dead
  21. FW heroes
  22. D camelry rifles
  23. D camelry wounded/dead
  24. D Cav + rifles



  1. Jammed markers
  2. Scouted markers (6)
  3. Sudan women civilians


  1. Mtd scouts
  2. Foot scouts
  3. B screw gun x 2
  4. E/D Krupp gun
  5. Gardner mg x 2
  6. B infantry Adv
  7. B inf firing
  8. B foot cmd advancing
  9. B wounded
  10. B dead
  11. B Sergeants
  12. B gun crew
  13. B heliograph teams
  14. B cav sword
  15. B cav lance
  16. B cav cmd
  17. B dismtd cav
  18. B dismtd cav cmd
  19. B high porte rifle
  20. B foot cmd standing
  21. B in Arab disguise
  22. Naval gun crew
  23. Ships crew
  24. Naval inf. firing
  25. Naval inf. advancing
  26. Naval inf. command
  27. Naval inf. dead/wounded
  28. B Cav carbine
  29. B Cav Sgts
  30. Dismounted B cav kneeling
  31. B cav wounded/dead
  32. B Cav horses + holders
  33. Highland infantry adv.
  34. Highland command adv


  1. Paddle Boat “ALBION” $130

(includes: 1 Pack Naval gun crew. Naval deck crew. Machine gun. Field gun. 2 Large deck hatches. Removable top to wheelhouse. 12″ Hull. 5″ width. You will need some assembly skill.


British Camel Corps (BCC)

  1. BCC rifles
  2. BCC cmd
  3. BCC dismtd firing
  4. BCC cmd dismtd
  5. BCC dismtd adv
  6. BCC Seated camels
  7. Transport mules
  8. Transport camels
  9. BCC dead/wounded
  10. BCC mounted sergeants


  1. Egyptian infantry adv (light kit)
  2. Egyptian infantry firing
  3. Egyptian inf receiving charge
  4. Egyptian command adv
  5. Egyptian cmd standing
  6. Egyptian artillery crew
  7. Egyptian casualties (dead/wounded)
  8. Egyptian ragged infantry
  9. Egyptian sergeants
  10. Bashi Bazouk infantry
  11. Bashi Bazouk mounted




  1. Levy archers
  2. Retinue Archers
  3. Household archers
  4. Levy fighting
  5. Retinue fighting
  6. Household fighting
  7. Levy command
  8. Retinue command
  9. Household command
  10. Generals on foot
  11. Bodyguard on foot
  12. Household cavalry
  13. Household cavalry command
  14. Gunners x8
  15. Light gun x2
  16. Heavy gun x1
  17. Disordered markers (figures)
  18. Extra arrow markers (figures)
  19. Levy casualties
  20. Retinue casualties
  21. Household casualties
  22. Dead Cart (2 wheeled cart +horse+dead collector)
  23. Hand gunners
  24. Stakes
  25. Wounded “fighting on”
  26. General’s party on foot (trumpeter,drummer, standard bearer)
  27. King et al
  28. Crossbowmen

29 Amusing figs

  1. Pikemen

31 .Retinue cavalry

  1. Retinue cavalry command
  2. Mounted bodyguards
  3. Mounted household casualties
  4. Mounted generals
  5. Markers (unreliable x3, Assaulter x3, Target x3, Morale x3) $16.50
  6. CHARACTER Edward IV
  7. CHARACTER Buckingham
  8. CHARACTER Norfolk
  9. CHARACTER Somerset 1
  10. CHARACTER Richard III
  11. CHARACTER Somerset 2
  12. CHARACTER Warwick
  13. CHARACTER Hastings
  14. CHARACTER Margaret
  15. CHARACTER Wenlock
  16. CHARACTER Audley
  17. CHARACTER Oxford
  18. CHARACTER Fauconberg


  1. Levy bills standing
  2. Levy bills advancing
  3. Levy bills fighting
  4. Retinue bills standing
  5. Retinue bills advancing
  6. Retinue bills fighting

66.Household bills standing

  1. Household bills advancing
  2. Household bills fighting
  3. Sword and buckler
  4. Standards
  5. Command standing
  6. Command advancing
  7. Command fighting
  8. Poor people females
  9. Poor people male



Flag pack ($10) contains 10

different General’s flags (loads

of choice) and 18 Captain’s(unit)

flags. Generic.

  1. Markers (12 of) $16.50





  1. Ashigaru spears advancing

2 .Ashigaru casualties

  1. Ashigaru spear fighting
  2. Ashigaru with swords
  3. Ashigaru arquebus advancing
  4. Ashigaru arquebus stand firing
  5. Ashigaru arquebus kneel firing
  6. Figurers with extra ammunition
  7. Musicians (2 drum teams, 4 conch shell men)
  8. Ashigaru command advancing
  9. Samurai with spear
  10. Samurai command advancing
  11. Samurai with swords
  12. Samurai casualties

15 .Samurai heroes

16 .Mounted samurai with swords

  1. Mounted samurai with spear
  2. Mounted samurai commders
  3. Mounted messengers (3 of)
  4. Challenge won Markers. Figs+ chopped off heads
  5. Winning the fight. Markers
  6. Disordered markers.
  7. Levy arquebus kneeling/firing
  8. Levy casualties
  9. Levy spearmen

26 .Levy arquebus

27 .Levy command

  1. Levy bowmen

29 .Levy with sword

30 .Maku screen . 6 screen

sections. 2 Banners. 2 Guards $16.50


General packs include the General

foot and mounted, two foot standard bearers with big flag. Generals are generic. A mounted general still had his banner bearer on foot.

  1. General A (horns)
  2. General B (Kepi helmet)
  3. General C (tall hat)
  4. General D (Bear fur)
  5. General E (fan at back)
  6. General F (square back)
  7. General G (metal horns)
  8. Foot bodyguard


  1. Mounted samurai Bodyguard
  2. Foot ronin
  3. Torii Gate
  4. Generals and messengers et

al seated (4 poses).

  1. Armoured ashigaru archers
  2. Ikko Ikki armoured
  3. Ikko Ikki levy
  4. Ikko Ikki arquebus
  5. Ikko Ikki cudgels
  6. Ikko Ikki command
  7. Warrior monks with naginata
  8. Warrior monks with sword
  9. Warrior monk command
  10. General H (religious)


Samurai rules

Battles in the Age of War $35




  1. Samurai house poor $19.80
  2. Samurai house not poor. 19.80





Rules For The Common Man. All of these rules are written with playability and a feel for the period in view as the main criterion. Most of the rules use ordinary 6 sided dice. Each set contains new mechanisms and ideas for that period. Most sets have a play sheet as the rear cover. It is worthy of note that it is more difficult to write simple rules that reflect a period in history than to write complex ones. All rules are suitable for multiplayer or club games.


  1. The Men of Company B. 15mm Vietnam, company level lots of sneaky movement $30.00


  1. Battles in the Age of War. Samurai battles (not skirmishes). These are the battles with samurai and ashigaru troops as seen in Ran and Kagemusha. The armies look a lot like the one lead by Tom Cruise in the “Last Samurai”. The rules use the same skeleton as ROF, BB and CWB (see below). The game is played on a 5 x 3 foot table. Units are motivated, they carry out actions and then you move on to the next unit. The opponent has opportunity shooting and the ability to react to charges etc. Rules include Pre Battle campaign, challenges, victory points, troop point costs and historical battles (6 of). $45.00


  1. Abteilung II. WW2 Rules for 15mm. Loads of new ideas. Easy to lay….tactical. $30.00


  1. Hey you in the Jail. Rules for 15mm western battles for 20-100 figs a side, excellent $19.80


  1. Washington’s Army. Rules for the American war of Independence. Same skeleton as CWB $45.00


  1. Conquerors and Kings. Ancient rules . Square bashing system. Includes orders of battle. $30.00


  1. PBI. 2nd Ed (2015). A set of WW2 company level rules. The game is played on a 4 foot by 4 foot grid, split into 6″ squares. The game uses about 80 figures and a few tanks per side. We think they are great but then we would say that wouldn’t we! The classic grid based WW2 game. $45.00


PBI Architect Book. Army Lists and builders. $32.00


  1. Pieces of Eight II. Ships from range 18 and land raids from range 10. These rules have got a lot in them. They take the form of a “campaign in an evening”. The land raids are fought in 15mm on a 3 x 2 foot board. Quick and fun, with prisoners, looting, alarms and getting lost etc. The sea fights are fought using 1/450th-scale ships (men are 4mm high). The fights are never even but if you are outgunned in one fight you may be better off in the next! Rules include photocopiable buildings and play sheets Mini campaign. $30.00


  1. War in the Age of Magic (WAM). War in the Age of Magic. Based on conquerors and Kings. Allows big battles with heroes, monsters and mighty kings. Includes battle lists for 12 armies. Dwarves, Elves, Feudal Empire, Desert Empire, Religious Order, Militia uprising, Undead, Orc/goblin, Corsair, Mounted barbarian, Foot barbarian and Earth army. Magic and

magical terrain is in the rules too. Lots of new mechanisms. Uses grid system $30.00


  1. Hammerin Iron. 2011 edition ACW 1/600th Naval Latest version of the classic rules $45.00


  1. Bayonet and Ideology (BAIT). 15mm Spanish Civil war . LIKE PBI2. Based on PBI, systems of squares. Includes 12 company types and rules for scenario building and victory, really good. $30.00


  1. AK47 Reloaded. 2009 edition. All new. 15mm Modern African Wars, politics, desertion and your own cause. $40.00


  1. Square Bashing. 15mm WW1 rules. Uses about 15 Battalions a side. No ruler needed. $40.00


  1. Square Bashing Army book. Armies from 1900 to 1928. “Armies in the age of the bolt action rifle”. 55 Armies. Includes Cuban war, Boer war, Boxer Rebellion, Balkan war, WW1, British Revolution, RCW, Russo Japanese War, Mexican war, Rif Wars, Chaco War. $40.00


  1. Civil War Battles. 15mm ACW. Similar to Bloody Barons $45.00


  1. Proletariat to Horse. Army Lists (21) for the Russian Civil War (Square Bashing) $35.00


  1. Regiment of Foote. English Civil war 5×3 feet. New mechanisms. Not gridded $30.00


  1. Patrols in the Sudan. Dervish v Anglo Egyptian 80 figures a side 5x3ft table. Fighting in the Sudan 1885. The period around Gordon in Khartoum. Dervishes, fuzzy wuzzies, red coats, camels and dangerous patrols. Usual 3 x 3cm bases. Lots of new and innovative systems using D6. $35.00


  1. Bloody Barons. Wars of the Roses. 5ft x 3ft table. 150 figures a side. No grids. The rules include all the major battles, uniform details and historical details. the rules are 100 pages long! Lots of excellent and elegant systems. Similar to Regiment of Foote. Pre game is decided by putting dice into various aspects such as route of march and supplies. There is treachery and loads of other good stuff. $40.00


  1. Longships – Wrath of the Vikings. $45.00
